Latest news

November 7, 2024

Mediterranean region agrees long-term measures for eel but fails to include glass eel ban

Since 2018, the GFCM has been on the forefront of European eel management and conservation, taking steps going further than those adopted by the European Union, but today we must express some disappointment with the long-term measures adopted, considering the status of the population and the zero catch advice.

November 1, 2024

Management of European eel not at all in line with zero catch advice

European eel remains critically endangered with recruitment under 10 % of historical levels. ICES published its scientific advice on fishing opportunities and conservation for European eel for 2025 today. As in previous years, the advise is zero catch for for all life stages, all uses and in all habitats. The conservation advice is to reduce other human-related mortalities to zero and restore habitats.

October 22, 2024

Short-sighted decision by EU fisheries ministers pushes Baltic Sea ecosystem closer to collapse

PRESS RELEASE from: Seas At Risk, FishSec, Coalition Clean Baltic, WWF Baltic Sea Programme, Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Suomen Luonnonsuojeluliitto (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation) Short-sighted decision by EU fisheries ministers pushes Baltic Sea ecosystem closer to collapse The Agriculture and Fisheries Council decided today on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2025. In a move that … Continued

October 16, 2024

A Baltic Sea in crisis: Why EU ministers must apply a precautionary approach to fishing opportunities this time

The Baltic Sea is in crisis. Several fish populations have collapsed and others are in steep decline. The most recent scientific advice on fishing opportunities paints a sobering picture of the state of forage fish populations like Baltic herring and sprat in the Baltic Sea. Current fishing limits, although some have been reduced in recent years, will not … Continued

Upcoming events

Commission opens public consultation on the common fisheries policy re...

Dates: 27 January - 21 April

You can provide input to this public consultation until 21 April 2025. Building on the call for evidence, which opened on 20 June 2024 and drew 87 responses, this consultation is the next step in a comprehensive evaluation of how the existing CFP Regulation is performing and whether it is meeting its objectives and addressing certain challenges. The evaluation will assess the impact of the CFP Regulation on the conservation of marine biological resources and the management of fisheries and fleets that rely on them. It will also examine the policy’s effects on the supply chain, consumers, and public authorities across all EU Member States over the past decade (2014-2024). This consultation is part of Commissioner Costas Kadis’ political mission mandate to complete and follow up on a comprehensive evaluation of the common fisheries policy.


ICES Baltic Salmon and Trout Assessment Working Group (WGBAST 2025)

Location: Online

Dates: 25 - 26 March

Environment Council

Location: Brussels, Belgium/ hybrid

Dates: 27 March

Baltic Salmon and Trout Assessment Working Group

Location: To be decided

Dates: 01 - 08 April
