
January 30, 2007

Conference on Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund, Seville, Spain 25 – 27 Jan 2007

The European Commission organised a three day conference on the implementation of Priority Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) – Sustainable Development of Fisheries Regions. The conference built on two previous events; in Tallin 2005, and Porto 2006. The conference had about 60 participants, mostly representing EU member states and regional authorities. Priority … Continued

January 16, 2007

US president Bush on Friday signed legislation aimed at preventing overfishing in US waters

From 2010 commercial fisheries in the US will have to set conservation plans within a two-year period. A 10-year permit system will be set, which would still allow some limited access in overfished waters. Bush urged an overhaul of provisions in existing legislation known as the Magnusson-Stevens Fish Management Act, after which the US Congress … Continued

January 3, 2007

U.N. Lifts Ban on Caviar Exports from the Caspian Sea

On Tuesday the United Nations lifted a year-old embargo on exports of most types of caviar from the Caspian Sea, which is the main source of the delicacy, regardless of the fact that Sturgeon stocks are continuing to decline. Caviar exports, with the value of as much as US$9,500 a kilo, were banned in 2006 … Continued

December 22, 2006

December Council decision on 2007 fishing levels: Too little, too late

Brussels, Belgium. European Union fisheries ministers agreed after difficulty on fishing levels for 2007, still ignoring scientific advice by setting levels so high that recovery of depleted stocks are at risk. Landings of cod in the North Sea will decrease with 14 % compared with the level of 2006. ICES, the scientific body assessing and … Continued

December 18, 2006

Environment Ministers fail to adopt a strong Marine Strategy Directive

Comment on the Council agreement on the Marine Strategy Directive (Environment Council 18th December 2006). The Fisheries Secretariat joined with BirdLife International, the European Environment Bureau, Greenpeace, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Oceana, Seas At Risk, the European Coastal Union and WWF, in criticising today’s Council agreement on the Marine Strategy Directive as lacking … Continued

December 14, 2006

Exceptional commercial fishermen receive conservation award

MARATHON, Florida – December 12 – The Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI) presented the third annual Gladding Memorial Award for commercial fishing conservation leadership to Mr. Carlton Young of Placencia, Belize and Mr. Ceylon Clayton of Little Bay, Jamaica, during its 59th Annual Meeting in November in Belize City, Belize. The Gladding Memorial Award, … Continued

November 28, 2006

Proposal for secure funding for the RACs

Today,the European Commission further acknowledged the important contribution of the recently established Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) to the application of the Common Fisheries Policy by proposing to increase the amount of EU financial support that they currently receive. The Commission proposes to amend the legal base of the RACs (1) and to define them as … Continued

November 28, 2006

Iceland blocks protection for deep sea biodiversity

Iceland blocked consensus for swift action to curtail the destruction of high seas ecosystems at the United Nations in New York. After it was clear that a moratorium for deep sea bottom trawling could not be reached, UN fisheries negotiators tried to find a compromise. They were looking at text which would have offered immediate … Continued

November 23, 2006

Deep-sea stocks still at risk after divided Council decision

In spite of scientific advice from ICES that deep water fish such as orange roughy, blue ling and deep water shark fisheries should be closed immediately, EU Ministers in the Council agreed on 21 November on relatively modest reductions in TACs (Total Allowable Catches) for 2007 and 2008, aiming at a final phase-out by 2010/11. … Continued

November 21, 2006

North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission fails to sufficiently protect deep-sea stocks and biodiversity

NEAFC, the intergovernmental commission responsible for managing deep-water fishing in the North East Atlantic, made some progress on improving the protection of deep-water fish and corals last week. However it failed to deliver some much needed tougher decisions to protect deep-sea biodiversity. The proposal to close the fishery on the highly vulnerable stocks of Orange … Continued