Latest news

June 18, 2024

Joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2025

The decline of fish populations in the Baltic Sea ecosystem has been extensively documented and analyzed by now. This decline has been ongoing for decades but has intensified in recent years, with some fish populations collapsing or being on the verge of collapse. The latest ICES assessment again shows that populations of commercially harvested stocks are … Continued

June 4, 2024

Mediterranean long-term management measures for European eel discussed this week

Since 2018, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) has been at the forefront of European eel management. However, the current GFCM measures adopted in 2023 are still far from aligned with the scientific advice and are unlikely to secure eel recovery. The long-term management measures that the GFCM is set to adopt in … Continued

June 3, 2024

NGOs call on decision makers to do right by the Baltic Sea ecosystem – new scientific advice shows that Baltic fish stocks are still under stress

On Friday, the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) published its scientific advice on how much fish can be caught in the Baltic Sea next year. The numbers show that the Baltic Sea ecosystem and fish stocks remain in severe distress and that even the cuts in catches that have been made … Continued

April 26, 2024

Now recruiting: Fisheries Policy Officer

FishSec is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection and restoration of marine ecosystem services, with a focus on fisheries in the Baltic Sea region and the European Union. Our long-term goal is well managed seas with rich biodiversity and thriving fish stocks to secure healthy and local seafood to consumers and a sustainable fishing … Continued

Upcoming events

2nd International Eel Science Symposium

Location: Liverpool, UK

Dates: 09 July

The IFM Specialist Event "2nd International Eel Science Symposium" will be held in Liverpool, UK on 9 July 2024.

