Klub Gaja presents the story of the Gold Fish, a creative happening which illustrates the problems associated with overfishing. The event, which can be seen on the Internet, is part of a larger project which focuses on the protection of threatened fish species, such as cod and salmon.
It is based upon the tale The Little Golden Fish by the Brothers Grimm, and the main message is that the Golden Fish and the fisherman deeply need each other. Without fish, the fisherman is left all alone, with nothing.
The plot is briefly as follows; the Golden Fish has lived in the ocean for thousands of years. It has a lot of friends, and cooperates with other fish as well as with the sun and the moon. But the Golden Fish needs to meet the fisherman, and the fisherman needs to meet the Golden Fish. When they finally do, the fisherman tells the Golden Fish the story of Life. They cooperate and live happily side by side. In the event by Klub Gaja, the Golden Fish is symbolized by the bride and the fisherman by the groom.
But one day the fisherman changes his mind, and begins to fish more, and more, and more. He has forgotten all about their cooperation. And suddenly he catches the Golden Fish too! He sells the Golden Fish but then becomes all alone at sea. He has nobody to talk to. There is no Golden Fish, there is no fish left at all actually, the entire ocean is without fish. The fisherman is alone, the ocean is alone, and he cries. End of lovestory, and the end of all fishing.
The Golden Fish event was filmed at the Marine Station in Hel, Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdansk and is now touring the country. The event can be viewed at the following site.