Recreational fishing adds great benefits to society as a whole, beside the individual rewards, a report by the Swedish Board of Fisheries says.
The report, a compilation of five studies carried out between 2002-2007, shows that the hobby, in addition to the actual catches, contributes to strengthened environmental consciousness and increased knowledge about nature and its ecosystems.
Seventy per cent of Swedish youths between 10 and 15 fished at least once in 2007, almost one fourth of those more than ten times. The study found that those who fished often, more than ten times, were less than average interested in TV games, computers or the Internet.
The kept catches by Swedish recreational fishermen and –women in 2006 were estimated at 18,100 tons, half of which were made at sea. Most of it, or 85 per cent, were used for human consumption.
Swedish national statistics show that the average citizen eats 8 kilograms of fish per year. Then almost one third of all fish consumed in Sweden stems from recreational fisheries, deeming from the Board of Fisheries report.