
New SARFISH briefing with focus on TACs

Published on December 3, 2009

The third briefing from FISH/Seas At Risk to EU Fisheries Ministers and other stakeholders has been sent out to prepare for the December 14-16 Council meeting.

Catch quotas for 2010 are to be set for a large number of stocks at that meeting, and the briefing focuses in detail on some of those requiring particular attention, including several cod stocks and the Bay of Biscay anchovy, the latter of which fisheries have been closed for several years.

In the SARFISH project, a letter with a summary of our standpoints on issues up for decision, and a lengthier “annex” on each of those agenda points with background material, is sent to the ministers in preparation for each Council meeting that will deal with fisheries.

The letter is also sent, electronically, to their advisors, the Brussels Permanent Representations, top Commission officials, the European Parliament Fisheries Committee members, to involved NGO representatives and other interested parties.