
Coming up, Fish Week

Published on January 20, 2010

Pencil the date in your diaries: The week of June 8th will see the first European Fish Week, with events being held all across the continent.

The instigator for this is OCEAN2012, a coalition of parties committed to actively participating in the 2012 reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, whose goals are to stop overfishing, end destructive fishing pratices and deliver fair and equitable use of healthy fish stocks.

OCEAN2012 was formed on June 8th 2009, and in the 7 months since its inception membership has grown from 5 founding organisations to its current total of 43, who are spread across 18 countries.

The Fisheries Secretariat was one of its founding members and has a seat on the OCEAN2012 steering group.

During European Fish Week, member groups of the coalition as well as non-members will be participating and hosting events, such as cinema screenings, debates, educational activities in schools. These activities will work toward the goal of promoting greater visibility of fisheries issues and the need for improved oceans management.