
COM stakes out road to 2011 TACs

Published on May 18, 2010

As the EU Commission released its policy paper on the setting of next year’s catch quotas, Commissioner Maria Damanaki said she wanted to see “a tougher method” applied.

TACs are set annually for most stocks and every two years for deep sea species. An increasing number of stocks are now dealt with under multi-year management plans.

As for the Baltic stocks, the Advisory Committee (ACOM) of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will publish its scientific advice on May 28, the final catch limits to be decided by the fisheries ministers at the October EU Council. The North Sea TACs (Total Allowable Catches) will be decided in November.

The Commission draws up a report on fishing opportunities every year to explain to fishers and their industry what common rules will be used to set the quotas. In a press release accompanying this year’s paper, published as a Commission Communication, Ms. Damanaki said she wished to see tougher methods applied to setting TACs and effort – days at sea – in order to meet international standards.

“I want to be clear that the quota levels set must respect all the European Union’s commitments to sustainability, our commitments to nearby States, and the commitments we have made under the long-term plans”, she said.