
Many saying it loud and clear

Published on September 8, 2010

28,500 people have signed a call for greater sustainability in fisheries that will be handed to Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki as she meets an OCEAN2012 delegation on 13 September.

The petition, launched at the European Fish Week in June, called for environmental sustainability being a top priority in the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), to be decided in 2012.

Over 4,800 of the 28,500 signatures were collected on the OCEAN2012 website, 22,300 were collected on the Care2 website, and another 1,400 were collected by member groups at their events and activities.

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OCEAN2012 is an alliance of organisations dedicated to transforming European Fisheries Policy to stop overfishing, end destructive fishing practices and deliver fair and equitable use of healthy fish stocks. FISH was one of five founding members in June 2009. It has now almost 90 members, and is still growing.