
Hong Kong clamps down on trawling

Published on October 19, 2010

Setting an example for EU member states managing sensitive marine ecosystems, Hong Kong has taken the first steps towards a total ban on all trawl fishing.

In his policy address for 2010-2011, Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang noted that “in recent years, Hong Kong’s marine environment has been affected by pollution and capture fisheries, resulting in a declining quality of fish catches”.

“To protect our precious marine resources and ecology, we will implement a basket of management measures such as banning trawling in Hong Kong waters through legislation in order to restore our seabed and marine resources as early as possible”, he added.

The proposals will be presented to the Legislative Council next year.

There are approximately 1,000 trawling vessels in Hong Kong. To assist the fishermen affected, Tsang said a voluntary trawler buyout scheme will be launched, as well as an ex-gratia allowance to eligible fishermen. The government would provide free training to help the fishermen shift to sustainable fishing practices and aquaculture.

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