
LFN launches Lithuanian fish guide

Published on January 31, 2011

The Lithuanian Fund for Nature (LFN) has joined the WWF campaign for sustainable seafood by publishing a local version of the “fish guide” – a list of fish to chose for sustainability–aware consumers.

The guide was launched along with a screening of “The End of the Line” in Vilnius, to highlight the problems of overfishing upon marine ecosystems.

The seafood consumer guide aims to raise public awareness of the threat to fish stocks and was produced by the Lithuanian Fund for Nature in cooperation with Nature Research Centre and the Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agriculture.

This is the first such guide in Lithuania and was presented along with a screening of Rupert Murray’s film “The End of the Line” in a local cinema. In spite of the winter weather 60 people attended, many of whom were from the Lithuanian fisheries administration. The media also took notice of the campaign and recorded interviews for the evening news. Information on the campaign has been flashed in news portals and some radio stations, while leaflets on fish consumption have been widely distributed.