
No Libyan bluefin tuna right now, Damanaki urges

Published on March 31, 2011

Considering the tumultuous political situation in the country, EU Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki calls for a temporary suspension of the bluefin tuna fishery in Libyan waters, or by vessels under Libyan flag.

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), a UN body, decided on catch quotas for the Atlantic tunas in November last year – much higher than Damanaki had originally fought for, heavily supported by environmental organisations.

In a letter to the ICCAT chairman at the end of March, she now expressed doubt that Libya, “given the current exceptional situation”, would be able to live up even to those rules.

“Accordingly”, a statement from her office said, “the EU considers that the ICCAT Commission should decide that all ICCAT-related fishing activities conducted by vessels entitled to fly the flag of Libya or by other vessels within the waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of Libya be temporarily suspended until Libya is able to ensure the respect of all ICCAT provisions”.