
One fund for fish and maritime affairs

Published on July 8, 2011

On 29 June, the European Commission published its long-term budget proposal – a Multi-annual financial framework for 2014–2020. A new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) will replace the current financial instruments, including all EU funding for fisheries except access arrangements with third countries.

The new financial instrument will be part of the wider reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the ambition set out is a fundamental re-orientation of the funding provided around four pillars: 1) smart, green fisheries, 2) smart, green aquaculture, 3) sustainable and inclusive territorial development and 4) integrated maritime policy.

In addition to the four pillars, the EMFF will include funding streams for data collection and scientific advice, control, governance, fisheries markets (including outermost regions), voluntary payments to Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) and technical assistance.

It will be complemented by two international financial instruments: one for Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPAs) and one for Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs).

According to the framework documents, there will be an increase in ”expenditure areas” under shared management, providing Member States with greater flexibility and a more long-term strategic perspective. Contrary to other budget areas, the overall funding available will not decrease.