
One million Fish Fighters on July 13?

Published on July 12, 2011

Tomorrow, July 13, Commissioner Damanaki will hold a press conference to announce the publication of the first package of proposals for the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Although Hugh’s FISH FIGHT already has a large following, with an interactive counter indicating 693,798 Fish Fighters, it is hoped that it will exceed 1 million followers during the announcement of the proposals for the new Common Fisheries Policy, tomorrow at noon.

With a large media presence in Brussels tomorrow during this event, Hugh’s FISH FIGHT hopes to see the interactive counter turning fast to ‘dazzle the media’ and raise awareness about the wasteful practice of discarding currently supported by laws within the failed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

The FISH FIGHT Campaign is now active in countries beyond the United Kingdom, and includes: Germany, Spain, Denmark, France, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Italy and Portugal.

Join the campaign at, and contribute to the elimination of discards in the European waters!