
Clean-up the Baltic and save the fish!

Published on August 3, 2011

The 5th annual International Clean-up the Baltic 2011 event will take place on 22 September in Hel, Poland, and all organizations around the Baltic Sea are invited to join in! This year’s theme of the campaign focuses on the protection of more than one-hundred fish species that inhabit the Baltic Sea waters, under a slogan: ‘Sea of Rubbish or Sea of Fish?’.

Organised by Our Earth Foundation (Fundacja Nasza Ziemia), the campaign engages the public– including adults, youth and children– and draws attention to the environmental problems in the Baltic region by ensuring that the sea’s ecosystems are communally maintained and free from pollution, toxins, and litter. The ultimate aim of this highly successful campaign is to restore the once healthy balance of the Baltic Sea ecosystems, and to promote sustainable and safe exploitation of marine resources now and for the future.

The campaign activities include community beach clean-ups, raising awareness about the status of the Baltic Sea and its ecosystems, and finally, diving to collect lost fishing gear – ghost nets. Public participation is encouraged throughout the year through public educational events and press conferences.

The theme for 2011 is protection of fish. It is not a secret that fish stocks in the Baltic Sea are in a vulnerable position. Currently, around 100,000 square kilometres of the Baltic Sea are already affected by advanced eutrophication, and pollution caused by the release of hazardous anthropogenic substances into the Baltic Sea environment only adds to the problem. Results of these phenomena affect fish stocks negatively, and include: poor reproduction, high body concentration levels of toxins, and generally, impairment of good health status. Compounding the challenge is commercial fishing which, including all the factors above, leaves the fish stocks severely depleted and over-exploited.

All the Baltic States are encouraged to organize an event to contribute to the protection efforts of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. Please pass on this invitation to all your friends and associates, and be a part of this international campaign!

For information on how to organize this event, or to inquire about materials (i.e.: posters, which will be available in English) available to announce this event in your country, please contact Our Earth Foundation directly at or call +48 22 6228118.

If you already have plans for International Clean-up the Baltic 2011 and would like to share your action plan or you would like to provide post-event feedback, please contact Our Earth Foundation.

For more information check the Our Earth Foundation website below (in Polish).