
A renowned Canadian scientist speaks about EU fisheries reform at the European Parliament

Published on September 14, 2011

On 13 September, Dr. Daniel Pauly, the Director of the Fisheries Centre at University of British Columbia in Canada and Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us Project , gave an introductory summary of his latest work on the global spread of fisheries and how his findings are illuminating the pressing need for the European Union to manage its fisheries more effectively.

In the course of his presentation, titled “A Global Perspective on EU Fisheries Reform”, Dr. Pauly addressed the perverse effects of subsidies, the issue of Transferable Fishing Concessions (TFCs), among other topics. The audience, mainly representatives of the Fisheries Committee, responded with many questions and seemed to find his opinions both provocative and informative.

The event took place at the European Parliament in Brussels and was organized jointly by the Intergroup on Seas and Coastal Areas, the Fish for Future group and Oceana.

For more information, including a complete video recording of this session, please visit CFP Reform Watch by clicking on the link below.