
”Stop bankrupting our oceans” – WWF and 150,000 people demand sustainable CFP

Published on November 15, 2012

At the European Parliament on 6-8 November, WWF handed over their peition to Ulrike Rodust (S&D, DE), rapporteur for the European Parliament on the basic regulation of the CFP reform.

The campaign attracted 150,000 signatures, calling for “political leadership from MEPs to build a healthy and prosperous future for our oceans and steer Europe’s fishing industry away from the path to bankruptcy.”

The “More Fish” petition was in the form of a cheque to highlight the economic benefits that would arise from sustainable management.

Commissioner Maria Damanaki has been vocal in her support for the campaign, stating that “it is important that citizens are aware of what is at stake…my hope is that the European Parliament will lead the delivery of a reform that meets the expectations of our citizens”.