
Basic regulation compromise amendments agreed

Published on November 29, 2012

The Fisheries Committee (PECH) has moved a step closer to finalising its position on the CFP reform basic regulation. 104 compromise amendments have been agreed by the political groups on the Rodust (S&D, DE). The vote will take place on 18 December.

Initially, over 2500 amendments had been proposed by members of the committee. The political groups have since been negotiating amongst themselves compromises, for when different MEPs have suggested amendments to similar areas of the Commission proposals.

How the Fisheries Committee votes often acts as a weathervane for the entire Parliament, as they are the MEPs in their party group who specialise on fisheries issues and thus influence their colleagues. Therefore their position will likely provide an indication as to how the plenary will vote in February or March next year.

Key issues will be what date is set for MSY in terms of reducing fishing mortality (F) and reaching a target population size (B), priority access to low impact fishing vessels, the discard ban and capacity measures.