
Historic vote in European Parliament today

Published on February 6, 2013

Today, on February 6th 2013 in Strasbourg, all the MEPs will vote on the report on the so called basic regulation – creating the framework for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). This is the first time that the European Parliament has had the opportunity to co-legislate on EU’s overarching fisheries policy.

This plenary vote follows the Parliament’s Fisheries Committee (PECH) vote on 18 December 2012, which resulted in support for the Rodust report with 13 in favour and 10 against.

The Fisheries Committee vote puts the European Parliament ahead of the Fisheries Council in terms of the environmental considerations of the policy, and we hope that this line will be retained by plenary, setting the tone for the future trialogue negotiations with the Council and the Commission. It is therefore crucial that the MEP vote today provides Ulrike Rodust with strong support.


WWF Press Release

Ulrike Rodust interview

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