
Race for the Baltic finishes cycling race in Denmark!

Published on August 20, 2013

After spending almost 3 months cycling the Baltic Sea coastline, the Race for the Baltic could see the finish line getting closer and closer. The team spent three days in Møn, Denmark where they reflected over the last 70+ days, visited two farms, and made an epic entry into their final city on the tour, Copenhagen.

Race for the Baltic started on June 8 2013 in Malmö, Sweden and finished its journey in Denmark. The team spent three wonderful days on the island of Møn, where they relaxed, reflected on the last 3 months spent traveling through the 9 countries surrounding the Baltic Sea Region and visited Møns Klint.

The team left Møn and continued on to visit two farms, one organic and one traditional, you can read about the experiences on the Race for the Baltic blog. The team reached their finish line on August 17 2013 in Copenhagen where the cyclists were met by the core NGOs, FISH, CCB, OCEANA, and Zennström Philanthropies as well as The Black Fish. The following day over 20 people collected signatures and spread the message of Race for the Baltic in Copenhagen. The day concluded with a farewell dinner and event at Baisikeli.

Race for the Baltic has been one of the largest cross-regional campaigns for the Baltic Sea in the region’s history. Together, we have collected over 25,000 signatures, created over 50 events, travelled through 9 countries and cycled over 3,700 kilometres. The signatures collected will be presented to the Ministers of Environment in each country and again at the HELCOM Ministerial Meeting on October 3rd in Copenhagen with the aim to influence the Ministers of Environment and let them know that we demand action now.

Want to know what happened this summer? Check out the links below:




Latest Press Release together with CCB, FISH, OCEANA