
Public consultation: first draft of the new Block Exemption Regulation applicable to the fishery and aquaculture sector

Published on May 27, 2014

The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the first draft of the new Block Exemption Regulation applicable to the fishery and aquaculture sector (FIBER)  to collect the views of citizens and stakeholders.on

Block exemption regulations aim to simplify aid granting procedures for Member States by authorising without prior notification a range of measures fulfilling horizontal common interest objectives.

The review of the block exemption regulation has to be put in the context of the reform of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). ‘The State aid instruments specific to the fishery and aquaculture sector have to be reviewed to reflect the priorities and objectives of the CFP, including the contents of the EMFF. Each State aid instrument should reflect the priorities and objectives of the CFP. It is all the more true for the FIBER, the content of which is determined by and dependent on the EMFF.’

The consultation closes on June 4 2014.

Please see the link below for more information and how to submit your contribution.