Today the European Commission opened a public consultation on the development of a regulation establishing a multi-annual plan for the management of North Sea demersal fisheries. The public consultation is open to all, but input is particularly sought from fishermen, fisheries advisory councils, other fisheries organisations and NGOs.
The multi-annual management plan is intended to contribute to delivering directly on the achievement of the Common Fisheries Policy, in particular the long term sustainability of the stocks and the implementation of an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. With the objective to:
- achieve that fish stocks concerned can produce maximum sustainable yields (MSY) by 2015 where possible, or by 2020 at the latest.
- ensure that the relevant stocks are maintained within safe biological limits, and that stocks outside of biological limits are brought within those limits as rapidly as possible.
- minimise unwanted catches in order to facilitate the implementation of landing obligations introduced in the reformed CFP.
The consultation period runs between the 09.02.2015 to 04.05.2015