
Parliament needs to uphold strong position on fisheries reform

Published on April 17, 2015

On the 28th of April MEPs will vote on Jarosław Wałęsa’s report concerning the EU Commission’s proposal for a Baltic Multi-Annual Plan (MAP) (2014/0285(COD)). This MAP is the first of its kind under the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), which was significantly shaped by the EU Parliament. It represents a first opportunity for MEPs to demonstrate Parliament’s role in ensuring effective implementation of the agreed reform.

FISH has together with other NGOs pointed out key priorities for the Plenary vote on the Baltic MAP and urge Parliament to support and further strengthen the Report from the Fisheries Committee, which voted on the file on the 31st of March 2015.

We urge MEPs to support the following points:

  1. Objectives of the plan must be in line with the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy
  2. Sustainable fishing exploitation rates must ensure an end to overfishing
  3. Conservation reference points – ensuring that fish stocks remain healthy
  4. Minimising impact of fisheries to the wider environment

You find more information about our key priorities and reasoning in the documents below. Joint NGO letters have been sent to EU Fisheries Ministers as well as to MEPs.