
New public consultations open

Published on June 8, 2015

The European Commission has opened two public consultations; Fishing opportunities for 2016 under the Common Fisheries Policy and International Ocean governance. The consultations are open to all citizens and organisations.

Fishing opportunities for 2016 under the Common Fisheries Policy

The objetive with the consultation is to allow all European citizens to express an opinion on the way in which levels of fishing effort and quotas are set according to the new Common Fisheries Policy and in relation to scientific advice about sustainable fishing.

The consultation close October 1st 2015.

International Ocean Governance

The aim of this consultation is to gather input on how the EU could contribute to achieving better international governance of oceans and seas to the benefit of sustainable blue growth. On the basis of the results and other sources of data and information, the European Commission will consider how best to develop a more coherent, comprehensive and effective EU policy on improving the international ocean governance framework.

The consultation close September 15th 2015.

Fore more information on how to submit you input, please see links below.