The Return of the cod project, which started at the beginning of 2021, aims to compile the current knowledge and scientific research concerning the state of the Baltic cod in order to work out and implement measures to recover the eastern cod stock.
The Return of the Cod (RoC) project has progressed since its onset in January 2021. The scientific report including literature overview and socio-economic analysis has been concluded by two scientists for University of Gothenburg: Ms Lina Birgersson and Mr Mohammed Belhaj. The report will also contain policy guidance and recommendations which will be the basis for the future advocacy work. The report will go to proofreading, graphic designing and printing soon. The launch of the report is scheduled for October 2021. There will also be a national launch events in each Baltic Sea country.
Since the project has a regional scope, it is based on the cooperation with NGO partners from all the states within the Baltic Sea region. FishSec has managed to finalize the process of getting onboard 8 formal partners and several associate partners. The list of formal partners include:
- Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) –
- Estonian Fund for Nature –
- Pasaules Dabas Fonds (Latvia) –
- Lithuanian Fund for Nature –
- Finnish Association for Nature Conservation –
- The Danish Sportsfishing Association-
- WWF Poland –
- Baltic Waters 2030 (Sweden) –
The above-mentioned NGO partners will be responsible for the communication campaign and advocacy at the national level. They will also coordinate report launch events in respective countries. By now all the partners have received the first allotment of funds and the kick off meeting with partners will take place soon.
Last but not the least, FishSec has been active in promoting the RoC project to a wider audience. On June 21, 2021 RoC Project Leader at FishSec Kamil Jagodzinski delivered a presentation on the project at an online event – the Baltfish Forum which is a discussion forum for all the important stakeholders of the fisheries policy within the Baltic Sea.
“The project has got a lot of positive feedback from, among others, the Estonian Baltfish Presidency, Danish Fishermen PO, BSAC and The Low Impact Fishers of EuropĂ© representatives. We have been well received by the Baltfish Forum stakeholders. It has just confirmed our strategy and grounds for the project. FishSec will continue to promote the RoC project at other important foras as it will progress in 2021, however the main bulk of advocacy work is scheduled for 2022″, says Kamil Jagodzinski.
RoC project is financed by the Postcode Foundation and co-financed by FishSec.