With the ever increasing technological advances in Electronic Monitoring, fisheries are now entering the world of advanced analytics and data-driven planning, things that would have seemed to come straight out of a science fiction novel just a few years ago are already operational now. To manage and monitor fisheries a good understanding of where fisheries operate and how the catch is composed are essential, by making use of new techniques we can learn a lot more about what is going on at sea and use that to plan for future sustainable practices.
On the 31st of May The Fisheries Secretariat will host a webinar where we have invited experts from three ongoing Electronic Monitoring initiatives to present on their work. We expect this to be a fascinating and thought provoking meeting, with speakers from academia, environmental NGO and policy backgrounds.
There will be presentations on:
Fully Documented Fisheries (FDF) in Dutch demersal trawl fishing
As part of a project to better understand the composition of bycatch in trawl fisheries Wageningen Marine Research in close collaboration with a Dutch Producer Organisation and a robotics lab developed an automated recognition system to differentiate between fish species and even sizes of each fish.
Transparency in ocean governance through data visualization
Global Fishing Watch, an international non-profit, monitors and creates open-access visualizations of global fishing activity on the internet with a 72-hour delay. By creating and publicly sharing map visualizations, data and analysis tools, they enable scientific research and aim to drive a transformation in ocean management. Launched in 2016 GFW now has partnerships with countries and organisations around the world.
Remote Electronic Monitoring in Danish demersal fisheries
The introduction of the landing obligation in EU fisheries as well as the need to better control the bycatch of protected species like harbour porpoise led the Danish fisheries ministry to trail numerous Electronic Monitoring projects. They are now in the process of assessing options for implementing them at a national level.
Webinar on Advances is digital fisheries monitoring
date: 31 May 2022
time: 10:30 – 12:00 CET
You can register for the webinar here