Board and Founders

Our Board 

Board members:

Markus Lundgren (chair), Swedish Anglers’ Association

Inger Melander, WWF Sweden

Therese Börjesson, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Deputy Board members:

Nils Ljunggren, Swedish Anglers’ Association

Mattias de Would, WWF Sweden

Mårten Wallberg, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation


Our Founders

The Fisheries Secretariat was established in 2003 by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, WWF Sweden and the Swedish Anglers’ Association. These are the member organisations and board members of FishSec.

Who can be a member of FishSec?

Legal entities that share the focus of FishSec’s goals and work can apply for membership. Applications are processed by the Board and approved by the General Meeting.


How we are financed

The Fisheries Secretariat receives financial support from the Swedish government for core costs. Specific projects are financed through a variety of grant giving organisations and foundations.

Grant giving organisations and foundations which have supported the Secretariat’s work include: Adessium, BalticSea2020, Funding Fish, Mava Foundation, Oak Foundation, Östersjöfonden, Pew Charitable Trust, The Swedish Institute, The Swedish Postcode Foundation, Villum Foundation, The Waterloo Foundation and Zennström Philanthropies.


The secretariat is also open to receive donations to support its work 

If you would like to donate to support our work please contact the office. More information under the section Support Us.

Last updated: May 27, 2024