Past Events

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Dialogue with national parliaments representatives on the CFP reform

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 28 February 2012

As part of discussions on the CFP reform, members of the European Parliament Fisheries Committee will meet with a delegation of national parliamentarians to debate the legislative proposals in the fisheries reform. The meeting will take place in the European Parliament, Room PHS 3C50 between 15:00-18:30.


Fisheries (PECH) Committee Meeting, European Parliament

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 27 - 29 February 2012

Among others, this meeting will take up discussions on the External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy and small scale and artisanal fisheries and the CFP reform. For a detailed agenda for this meeting, please refer to the attachment below.

Attached documents:

Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 22 February 2012

This meeting will focus on discussions on 'Markets'.


Meeting with Regional Advisory Council (RAC) Secretariats

Location: Belgium, Brussels

Dates: 21 February 2012

The meeting will take place from 9:00 until 15:30 in the Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Rue Froissart, 36, 1049 Brussels. For a complete agenda and further information please see the document in attachment below.

Attached documents:

Save a third for the birds

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 21 February 2012

------------------------------------------------------ THE STOCKHOLM SEMINARS - focusing on the dynamics and stewardship of social-ecological systems ------------------------------------------------------ “Save a third for the birds: Tipping points and why seabirds depend on access to one third of the world’s fish“ Dr. Henrik Österblom Stockholm Resilience Centre Tuesday 21 February, 2012, 10.00–11.00 Linné Hall, Beijer Hall, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4, Stockholm The seminar is open to all interested and free of charge. No registration needed. Abstract: Seabirds form an important link between human societies and marine ecosystems and are some of the best and most easily measured indicators when it comes to diagnosing the health of the world’s marine ecosystems. Seabirds prey on marine resources that are increasingly sought after in the global marketplace, with a rapidly growing demand for high value protein. In the most comprehensive study ever undertaken, an international group of scientists, including centre researcher Henrik Österblom, has shown that many seabird species decline strongly when the food available for them in the ocean declines below a third of the maximum amount recorded. Understanding how seabird species can be sustained while securing food security for a growing human population is a massive challenge, highlighting the necessity of making trade-offs between different services. This talk will describe the social-ecological role of seabirds and forage fish, using global data-sets on their interactions. The talk will investigate predator-prey relationships and critical tipping points analogous to the planetary boundaries concept and explore the potential applicability of these findings in the Anthropocene. About Henrik Österblom Henrik Österblom is associate senior lecturer in environmental sciences at Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is a joint theme leader for Governance and ecosystem management of coastal and marine systems. His research is focused on seabirds, food-web interactions, trophic cascades and ecosystem regime shifts, and governance of marine resources. ABOUT THE STOCKHOLM SEMINARS - FOCUSING ON THE DYNAMICS AND STEWARDSHIP OF SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS The Stockholm Seminars cover a broad range of perspectives on sustainability issues and are focused on the need for a sound scientific basis for sustainable development policy. The seminars are given at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and are visited by a large audience, including scientists, students, media and policy makers in the public and private sector. The lectures are free of charge and open for all interested. For more information contact Albaeco:  08-674 74 00, e-mail:, or visit ARRANGED BY: - The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - The Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University - Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI - The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, IGBP, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - The Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences, SSEESS, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - Albaeco


Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 08 February 2012

The meeting will take up 'Aquaculture' issues.


The 7th International Forum on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing

Location: London, United Kingdom

Dates: 02 - 03 February 2012

Chatham House host their annual forum on IUU fishing at 10 St James's Square, London.


BS RAC Salmon & Seatrout WG meeting

Dates: 31 January 2012

The working group will take place at the Park Inn Copenhagen Airport Hotel, Engvej 171, 2300 Copenhagen. The meeting will start at 09.00 hrs. and finish at 17hrs. Please see the link below for detailed information.


BALTFISH forum meeting

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 25 January 2012

Under the Finnish Presidency of the BALTFISH forum, a meeting will take place covering both TFCs and regionalisation between 1245-1700

Attached documents:

CFP Reform: Common organisation of the market in fisheries and aquaculture

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 25 January 2012

This is one of a series of hearings organised by the PECH (Fisheries) Committee in 2012. Please see the agenda in attachment below. The hearing will take place from 15:00 until 18:30, and is open for public viewing.

Attached documents: