Past Events

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BALTFISH forum meeting

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 25 January 2012

Under the Finnish Presidency of the BALTFISH forum, a meeting will take place covering both TFCs and regionalisation between 1245-1700

Attached documents:

CFP Reform: Common organisation of the market in fisheries and aquaculture

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 25 January 2012

This is one of a series of hearings organised by the PECH (Fisheries) Committee in 2012. Please see the agenda in attachment below. The hearing will take place from 15:00 until 18:30, and is open for public viewing.

Attached documents:

Results of “Researching the Environmental impacts of the MSC certification program”

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 24 January 2012

INVITATION Purpose: Present and discuss the results from the study  “Researching the Environmental impacts of the MSC certification program”, carried out by MRAG, Poseidon and Meridian Prime. We are very pleased to invite you to an occasion to hear and to discuss the results from the study “Researching the Environmental Impacts of the MSC certification program”, carried out by MRAG, Poseidon and Meridian Prime. Your participation is very important to us as discussions such as these are crucial to the process through which MSC strives towards enhancing both our own work and the state of the world’s seas and fish stocks. The meeting will take place in Stockholm during one afternoon. Please confirm your presence (or absence) to, no later than January 12th.

Date:  24th of January, 2012 Time: 13:30-16:00 Venue: Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademin, Drottninggatan 95B, Stockholm

Preliminary program: Welcome and agenda setting (Minna Epps, MSC) MSC:s Theory of change (Camiel Derichs, MSC) Presentation of the report (Chris Grieve, Meridian Prime) Presentation from featured fishery (TBA) Pause Panel discussion (Participants TBA) Wrap-up  


Fisheries (PECH) Committee Meeting, European Parliament

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 24 - 25 January 2012

The meeting will take up 'Fisheries Resources'. This will be an important meeting during which the new chair and vice presidents will be presented, and secondly the Danish  Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Ms. Gjerskov, will present the priorities of the Danish Presidency. Please check the draft agenda below.

Attached documents:

MIRAC meeting between ICES and the RACs

Location: The Hague, Netherlands

Dates: 23 - 24 January 2012

The annual meeting between ICES and the RACs will be held in The Hague on 23-24 January. It will cover cooperation between ICES and the RACs, including a discussion on how to deal with LTMPs and data poor stocks.

Attached documents:

Swedish Society for Nature Conservation seminar on aquaculture

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 19 January 2012

A lunch seminar follwed by a panel discussion on aquaculture will take place between 11-13 at the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation office, Åsögatan 115. Participants include the Minister for Rural Affairs, Eskil Erlandsson. For further information and registration, contact by the 17th January.


The New CFP reform – More regionalisation, but how? EP hearing

Location: Strasbourg, France

Dates: 18 January 2012

The New CFP reform – More regionalisation, but how? When: Wednesday the 18th of January at 14.00 Where: European Parliament, N3.1, Louis Weiss, Strasbourg On behalf of the Fish for the Future working group, MEP Christofer Fjellner extends an invitation to a seminar on the new CFP reform, specifically addressing the issue of regionalisation in the new fisheries policy. Questions which will be explored include: How do we move the decision making about the waters closer to the member states and the fishermen that depend on them? Everyone seems to talk about it, but how do we make it happen? Speakers include: Mr. Ernesto Penas Lado – Director, Policy development and co-ordination, DG MARE Mr. Henrik Österblom – Associate Senior Lecturer in Environmental Sciences, Stockholm resilience center. For more information please see below.


BaltSeaPlan: Maritime Spatial Planning

Location: Berlin, Germany

Dates: 12 January 2012

"The conference aims to show and trigger discussions on latest MSP developments at policy as well as implementation level within the European Commission and the Baltic Sea Region. It is open to maritime spatial planning experts and decision makers around all European countries". For more information check out the BaltSeaPlan links below.


Baltic Sea RAC ExCom meeting

Dates: 11 - 12 January 2012

Agenda has not yet been prepared. Please check the link below for updates.
