Past Events

Upcoming events

CFP reform: key issues for the French regions

Dates: 12 October 2011


EU Fisheries Committee: Public Hearing on small-scale fisheries

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 11 October 2011

Socio-economic viability and solutions for small-scale and coastal fisheries in the EU in the context of CFP reform. The meeting will take place from 1500 to 1830.

Attached documents:

ICES Training Course: ”Trawl Survey Design and Evaluation”

Dates: 10 - 14 October 2011

The course will be held at the ICES Secretariat in Copenhagen.

Attached documents:

CFFA meeting on the external dimension of the CFP

Location: Brussels

Dates: 05 October 2011

CFFA (the Coalition for Fair Fisheries Arrangements) is organising a workshop in the European Parliament on the reform of the external dimension of the CFP, discussing what constitutes good governance. It will take place from 0900-1230. The two days prior to the workshop will see CFFA organise an information exchange programme with partners and stakeholders from the ACP region.


World Conference on Marine Biodiversity

Location: Aberdeen

Dates: 26 - 30 September 2011


UK fishing and the future of the Common Fisheries Policy

Dates: 14 September 2011

Organised by the Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum, the seminar will take place on 14 September 2011 in Central London. Timed to follow the publication of the European Commission's draft regulatory proposals for reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, this seminar will examine the impact of the proposals in the UK and consider the future outlook for the UK's fishing industry. Planned sessions cover the key priorities for achieving sustainable fisheries and conserving the marine environment for the future, whilst recognising the importance of the fishing industry to coastal communities.


A global perspective on EU fisheries reform

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 13 September 2011

Dr. Daniel Pauly is addressing the EU Parliament on the global implications of the CFP reform, the meeting will take place between 16:00-17:30.


How can we manage our seas in the real world?

Location: Plymouth Hoe, England

Dates: 13 - 14 September 2011

On September 13-14, 2011, Plymouth Marine Sciences Partnership in collaboration with the Marine Management Organisation, will hold a conference on sustainable management of our seas and its challenges, with a  discussion on currently available management tools. Keynote public address will be delivered by Prof. Callum Roberts (University of York) - "The Ocean of Life: Surviving the next Century" The themes taken up during the conference will include:

  • Session 1: Managing our Seas: conference introduction and overview
  • Session 2: Where we are: state of seas
  • Session 3: Where we need to be: sustainable seas and tools for management
  • Session 4 (incl Marine Biological Association special session): Where we need to be: what are the likely challenges?
For more information and registration, please check the website.


Seminar on “State of European Fish Stocks in 2011”

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 08 September 2011

The seminar will take place from 9.00 to 13.00, at Borschette, Room 0D, Brussels. For detailed agenda, click on the link below. Registration will open in the coming weeks.
