Past Events

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council, Luxembourg

Dates: 14 - 15 April 2011


FARNET Conference on the future of local development in fisheries areas

Location: Brussels

Dates: 12 - 13 April 2011

The Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) of the European Commission is organising this conference, the aims of which are: - To provide participants with early information about:

  • the specific proposals for supporting local development in fisheries areas through the EFF.
  • the proposals for supporting local development through other EU funds and how this might affect fisheries areas.
  • the Commission’s general approach for improving the coordination of local development in the 2014-20 period
- To stimulate a constructive discussion amongst a small group of informed stakeholders in order to test out the robustness of the proposals and identify ideas for practical implementation improvements on the ground.


MPA Conference

Location: London

Dates: 07 April 2011

"Marine Protected Areas – Aspiration or Reality?" - a North Sea Marine Cluster Conference. Keynote Speakers include:

  • Richard Benyon MP, Minister for Natural Environment and Fisheries
  • Carla Montesi, Director Baltic Sea, North Sea and Landlocked Member States, DG MARE, European Commission

Attached documents:

ICES Training Course: ”Stock assessment (introduction)”

Dates: 06 April 2011

The course will be held at the ICES headquarters in Copenhagen.

Attached documents:

International Conference: Social and Cultural Perspectives of Sustainable Marine Fisheries

Location: London

Dates: 04 - 05 April 2011

The conference is being co-hosted by the University of Greenwich School of Science and the Greenwich Maritime Institute.