Past Events

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GFCM workshop on European eel

Location: Orbetello and Online, Italy

Dates: 28 February - 02 March 2023

The SSF Forum’s second workshop on "Connecting scientists and fishers in the process towards data collection and management of European eel in the Mediterranean", taking place on 28 February to 2 March 2023. NB it will not be possible to follow the event from remote during the excursion to the Orbetello lagoon on Wednesday 1 March from 8:30-15:00.        


Baltic Breakfast: Messing with the seabed – Potential effects of CCS and seabed mining

Location: Stockholm and online, Sweden

Dates: 15 February 2023

The seabed is becoming a hot topic in the sustainable development debate, especially the green growth discussions. More and more people are turning their eyes to the seabed for raw materials. Lately the possibility to retract manganese nodules from the seabed has been discussed and some companies have shown interest to get started. Another sea bed topic is CCS, Carbon Capture and Storage. The possibility of capturing carbon dioxide from flue gases, to pump it far below the ocean floor for long-term storage, is by many seen as a necessary action to reduce the concentrations in the atmosphere and mitigate climate change. What are the opportunities and problems with such interventions? Are we free to use the seabed to contribute to sustainable development? How far has research come and what questions remain to be answered? Welcome to a Baltic Breakfast to learn more about CCS and sea bed mining of manganese nodules!   Speakers: Francisco Nacimento, Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Science, Stockholm University Gry Møl Mortensen, Senior Geologist, Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) Moderator: Gun Rudquist, Head of Policy, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre Practical information: The seminar is held 15 February 2023 8:30 - 9:15 at Scandic Klara, Slöjdgatan 7, Stockholm. Vegetarian breakfast is served from 8:00. Physical participation requires registration before 13 February. The seminar will also be broadcast digitally No registration is required to view the broadcast. The seminar will be recorded and can be watched afterwards on the same webpage.



Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 12 - 13 January 2023

Meeting name MIACO 2023
Group name Annual Meeting between ICES, Advisory Councils and other Observers
Meeting Chairs Mark Dickey-Collas -
Venue ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark
Meeting start 12/1/2023
Meeting end 13/1/2023


December council

Location: Brussels , Belgium

Dates: 11 - 12 December 2022

At December council, Agriculture and Fisheries ministers will meet to reach a political agreement on fishing rights for 2023 in EU and non-EU waters, in the Atlantic, North Sea, Mediterranean and Black Sea.


Swedish webinar on the status and future of Baltic cod

Location: Online, Sweden

Dates: 09 December 2022

The Fisheries Secretariat will be arranging the webinar “Östersjötorsken – status och framtid” (held in Swedish) in collaboration with Länsstyrelsen Skåne and Marint centrum Simrishamn. Presentations will be given by the report authors, and invited experts will present some of the factors affecting cod in more detail. Registration for the event can be done here.  


Roundtable discussion on Swedish Eel restocking

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 09 November 2022

FishSec and Naturskyddsföreningen arranges a discussion about the Swedish Eel restocking.


Release of ICES advice on eel

Dates: 03 November 2022

Time: usually at 12.00 CET


ICES Eel ADG 2022

Location: Online meeting

Dates: 19 - 20 October 2022

The annual ICES Eel Advice Drafting Group will discuss the advice on fishing opportunities for European eel for 2023. Chair: Alain Biseau To attend as observer, contact Rachel Kouassi Zessia, the ICES Advisory Programme Supporting Officer. E-mail: rachel.kouassi.zessia(at)  


Fiskeforum 2022 Stockholm – do we have sustainable fishery today?

Dates: 19 - 20 October 2022

In 2019, an annual conference on fish and fisheries development issues was established. Unfortunately, the conference called Fiskeforum could not take place in 2020 and 2021 due to the Corona pandemic. On 19-20 October 2022, it's finally time again. This time on the theme Fishing of the future – ecological, social and economic. Fiskeforum2022 aims to highlight and discuss Swedish fishing from a sustainability perspective. The ambition is to bring together the entire fishing industry and the key players in the system that affects the development of sustainable fishing in Sweden. The conference brings together professional fishermen, recreational anglers, household fishermen, fishing tourism entrepreneurs, fishing water owners, product and destination developers, financiers, politicians, government representatives, researchers and scientific advice, etc. We will ask ourselves whether we have a sustainable fishery today and what needs to be done so that in the future we will have viable aquatic ecosystems as well as competitive fishing industries and good opportunities for recreational fishing. Many of the questions are of great importance for the implementation of the new national strategy for the development of fisheries and aquaculture as well as the sector-specific action plans that link to the strategy. More information about the strategy and action plans can be found here. Joint strategy shows the way forward for Swedish fishing and aquaculture. THE CONFERENCE WILL BE IN SWEDISH    

Tid: 19 oktober klockan 9.00 - 20 oktober klockan 15.30

Plats: Hotell Hasselbacken i Stockholm, Hazeliussalen

Boende: Det finns ett begränsat antal rum förbokade på Hotell Hasselbacken 19-20 oktober, till och med den 21 september. Först till kvarn gäller alltså. Bokning sker genom att maila till Uppge ”Fiskeforum/Jordbruksverket logi 221019” samt för och efternamn i mailet. Betalning sker på plats vid ankomst. Om lediga rum saknas på Hotell Hasselbacken kan ni med fördel vända er till: Backstage Hotel Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. som ligger mittemot.

Deltagaravgift: Avgiften på 1 495 kronor (exkl. moms) inkluderar luncher, fika och en trerätters konferensmiddag med bordsvatten. Det finns även möjlighet att delta endast en av dagarna för 995 kr (exkl. moms) om så önskas. Föredragshållare och paneldeltagare medverkar utan kostnad.

Anmälan och betalning: Anmälan Fiskeforum2022 Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.




October council

Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Dates: 17 - 18 October 2022