Past Events

Upcoming events


Location: Online meeting

Dates: 23 - 24 February 2022

The Working Group on the management of European eel (WGMEASURES-EEL) under the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is meeting to discuss the results of the GFCM research programme on European eel in the Mediterranean Sea and possible long-term management and protection measures, as well as a joint framework for future monitoring. This is likely to be an online meeting, but could be a hybrid meeting in Rome.



Dates: 23 - 24 February 2022

14th Meeting of the HELCOM Group on Ecosystem-based Sustainable Fisheries (FISH 14-2021). Time: 09.30-16.30 CET


EcoScope Stakeholder workshop

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 16 February 2022

This is an invitation only stakeholder workshop organised under the project Ecocentric Management for Sustainable Fisheries and Healthy Marine Ecosystems (EcoScope), which is funded by Horizon 2020. The EcoScope Project aims to promote an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, through a range of tools and activities, such as the EcoScope Toolbox and the EcoScope Platform. The four-year project (2021-2025) addresses ecosystem degradation and anthropogenic impact that cause fisheries to be unsustainably exploited in several European seas and promotes efficient, holistic, sustainable, ecocentric fisheries management that will aid towards restoring fisheries sustainability and ensuring balance between food security and healthy seas. Time: 09.00-17.00 CET



Location: Brest, France

Dates: 10 - 12 February 2022

Organisés les 9 et 10 février, en amont du segment politique du Sommet prévu le 11 février, les ateliers, forums, et événements constituent un symposium créatif pour amplifier les plans d'action pour l'océan, renouer avec l'espoir et l'ambition en mobilisant tous les principaux acteurs : scientifiques, praticiens, acteurs multilatéraux, responsables gouvernementaux, commissaires européens, gouvernements locaux, en veillant à la parité, à la diversité géographique et à l’inclusion des jeunes.


BSAC EBM WG meeting on BSAP and eel

Location: Online meeting on Zoom

Dates: 04 February 2022

This is a joint meeting between the Baltic Sea Advisory Council Working Group on Ecosystem-based Management, HELCOM and BALTFISH to: 1.  Consider actions in the new HELCOM BSAP relevant to fisheries and fisheries management. 2. Discuss future eel management measures in the light of the recent ICES advice and the DG MARE consultation. Time: 10.00– 15.00 CET.  


Research seminar: Ecological and biogeochemical impacts of bottom trawling

Location: online

Dates: 03 February 2022

Clare Bradshaw, Stockholm University: Ecological and biogeochemical impacts of bottom trawling The seminar is part of a seminar series hosted by Södertörn university, Stockholm. Thursday 3 February at 13:00-14:00 in Zoom. Zoom link:   Meeting ID: 684 2741 9255 Passcode: 703772   Prof Bradshaw will give a short overview of bottom trawling, then discuss the biochemical effects based on the latest research, and also discuss trawling and carbon cycles. See the full papers here: Bradshaw et al 2021 Morys et al 2021 Legge et al 2020 Epstein et al 2021 PREPRINT Sala et al 2021    


HELCOM Workshop on OECMs in the Baltic Sea area

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 01 - 03 February 2022

This is a HELCOM workshop on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) in the Baltic Sea area.

Time: 10.00-16.00 CET


ICES WKEMP3, part 2

Dates: 31 January - 04 February 2022

This ICES Workshop for the Technical evaluation of EU Member States’ Eel regulation Progress Reports 2021 (WKEMP3) will support EU DG MARE in evaluating the implementation of the national Eel Management Plans (EMPs) under the Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel.


Baltic Breakfast: The Baltic Sea food web in a changing environment

Location: Online meeting, Sweden

Dates: 26 January 2022

This time the Baltic Breakfast event will focus on the consequences of environmental changes on the Baltic Sea's food webs and ecosystems. Maciej Tomczak, researcher at the Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University, will share the results from an international project looking at environmental changes over an 80-year period. Eva Ehrnsten, also at the Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University, will describe how changes in phosphorus and nitrogen inputs have affected different types of benthic animals since the 1970s. Time: 09.30-10.15 CET The webinar will be recorded and can also be watched afterwards. No registration is needed.


BSAC Pelagic Working Group

Dates: 24 January 2022

This meeting of the Baltic Sea AC Pelagic Working Group will provide an update on current work on stickleback, including results from the trial fishery for stickleback in the Baltic Sea. There will also be an exchange of views on current and future Baltic pelagic fisheries, including the quotas for 2022 and 2023. Time: 10.00-13.00 CET.
