Past Events

Upcoming events

ICES WKEMP3, part 1

Dates: 29 November - 03 December 2021

This ICES Workshop for the Technical evaluation of EU Member States’ Eel regulation Progress Reports 2021 (WKEMP3) will support EU DG MARE in evaluating the implementation of the national Eel Management Plans (EMPs) under the Council Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel.


Inter-AC Coordination Meeting

Dates: 26 November 2021

A recurring joint meeting between the Advisory Councils and the European Commission will take place on 26 November between 09.30-13.00 CET.


Östersjöfiskets historiska utveckling

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 24 November 2021

Välkommen till seminariet Östersjöfiskets historiska utveckling Onsdag 24 november 2021, Stockholms universitet När började man fiska strömming och torsk längs med ostkusten och vilken roll spelade fisket för utveckling av handel, städer och för livsmedelsförsörjning? Hur ser fiskets historia ut i relation till den situation vi har idag, med vikande populationer av både torsk och strömming? Välkommen till ett seminarium som benar ut dessa frågor. Vi fördjupar oss i Östersjöfiskets utveckling, fiskeribiologins framväxt. Det blir nya insikter och dialoger tillsammans med forskare inom området. Seminariet är kostnadsfritt men kräver anmälan. Begränsat antal deltagare. Sista anmälningsdag: 18 november. Sprid gärna inbjudan vidare till kollegor du tror skulle vara intresserade. Plats: Stockholms universitet, sal: Vivi Täckholm Arrangörer: Havsmiljöinstitutet och Stockholms universitet


EU Open Data Days

Location: Online

Dates: 23 - 25 November 2021

Data is a key asset for research and innovation, products and services, new technologies and better decision-making. This online event will serve as a knowledge hub, bringing the benefits of open data and its reuse to the EU public sector, people and businesses. The EU Open Data Days have a particular focus on the EU’s public sector and data enthusiasts. They are also relevant for policymakers, researchers, academia, private entities, students and citizens interested in the power of open data as a factor determining our future.


OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Marine Protected Areas

Location: Online meeting

Dates: 23 - 25 November 2021


BSAC Management Team meeting

Dates: 22 November 2021

The Baltic Advisory Council Management Team will discuss cooperation with Baltfish, the external evaluation of the BSAC, the CFP reform position paper and the work plan for next year.  


A Clean Ocean Conference

Dates: 17 - 19 November 2021

The conference A Clean Ocean is being organised within the framework of the United Nations Decade of Marine Research for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. which has identified 10 Ocean Decade Challenges and 7 Ocean Decade Outcomes under the motto "the science we need for the ocean we want". One of the goals is A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified and removed. Over the three days, a range of topics,  including seabed mining, underwater noise, marine litter and sewage will be on the agenda. Registration is required for in-person attendance (see below) but some events can be followed online. Ocean Decade Laboratories_A Clean Ocean_Program Core Event


29th MSCG Meeting

Location: Virtual

Dates: 12 November 2021

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Common Implementation Strategy 29th Meeting of the Marine Strategy Coordination Group (MSCG) Virtual meeting via webconference


40th Annual Meeting of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC)

Dates: 09 - 12 November 2021

Date: Tue, 09/11/2021 to Fri, 12/11/2021
Start Time: TBC
Location: TBC


44th Session of the GFCM

Location: Albania

Dates: 08 - 12 November 2021

Tirana, Albania (TBC)
