Past Events

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ICES release of European eel advice

Dates: 04 November 2021


Targeted consultation on EU Action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems

Dates: 25 October - 20 December 2021

The European Commission has launched a targeted stakeholder consultation on the planned Action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems. The action plan is part of the EUs efforts to restore and protect marine ecosystems and apply an ecosystem-based management approach. It was announced in the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - see section 2.2.6.  The targeted consultation is open until 20 December 2021 and adoption of the Action Plan is expected in the Spring 2022. .


ICES Advice Drafting Group European Eel (ADGEEL) 2021

Dates: 19 - 20 October 2021


Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working Group on Eels (WGEEL-2)

Location: Rabat, Morocco

Dates: 27 September - 04 October 2021


Global Conference on Aquaculture

Location: Shanghai, China

Dates: 22 - 25 September 2021

Under the theme of "Aquaculture for Food and Sustainable Development", the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific with the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs cordially invite governments, business, academia and civil society to the Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium +20. The programme contains a forward-looking agenda that addresses emerging issues and opportunities, ranging from traditional family farming to cutting-edge technology. Nine thematic sessions will cover a full range of key issues impacting the future of aquaculture. The Shanghai Declaration, a key output from the GCA +20, will represent a road map to optimize the role that aquaculture can play in achieving the 2030 agenda and meeting the pledge of "leaving no one behind". The GCA+20 has been transformed to a hybrid event, with all international participants connecting remotely.  


Baltic Sea Advisory Council General Assembly

Dates: 22 September 2021

For more information please visit


Swedish seminar on eel – the fishery, management and culture

Location: Online meeting, Sweden

Dates: 22 September 2021

The Swedish Rural Network is organising an online seminar on Euroepan eel on 22 September, from 09.00-12.00, to discuss cultural aspects, current resarch, Swedish and Danish management approaches, Swedish eel fisheries and efforts in the hydropower sector to support eel migration.

The seminar is part of a month-long focus on European eel, also including a pod cast and articles taking different perspectives of this mythical species. It is organised within the Rural Network's framework for fisheries and aquaculture.

The Swedish Rural Network is a part of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD). It is a membership-based platform aiming to gather and engage rural actors in Sweden. The members represent organisations and authorities of importance for the development of activities and companies based in rural and coastal areas, including fisheries, aquaculture and Community Led Local Development.  


BSAC General Assembly + Executive Committee meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 22 September 2021


Baltic herring seminar with a focus on genetics (Swedish)

Dates: 10 September 2021

In Swedish

Hur det står till med sillen och finns det genetiska skillnader inom sillbeståndet i Östersjön?
10 september kl 9-12 arrangerar Marint Centrum i Simrishamn ett digitalt symposium där forskare från Uppsala universitet, SLU, Stockholms universitet och Göteborgs universitet delar med sig av nya forskningsrön kring sillens genetik, förvaltning och genetiskt övervakningsprogram.
Vi diskuterar frågor som om man med de nya genetiska metoderna kan hitta subpopulationer inom det som vi idag betraktar som ett bestånd, om dessa metoder kan hjälpa oss att förstå samband och skillnader mellan sillen i öppna havet och den vid kusten samt om och hur dessa verktyg kan underlätta för att skapa en hållbar förvaltning av våra sillbestånd.
Välkommen med din anmälan senast 2 september (anmälan via länken).
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Joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working Group on Eels (WGEEL-1)

Dates: 07 - 10 September 2021