Past Events

Upcoming events

DG ENVIRONMENT: Our Baltic Conference – 28 & 29 September

Location: Palanga, Lithuania / webstreaming

Dates: 28 - 29 September 2020

Our Baltic will gather ministers, decision makers, scientists and stakeholders from NGOs and industry in the region and across the EU to discuss the challenges faced by this sea. In line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the Zero Pollution ambition announced in the European Green Deal, the Conference will focus on how to reduce the pressure from fisheries and the input of pollutants, litter and contaminants, including pharmaceuticals. It aims to boost commitment to the existing goals for the area in EU legislation, and opens the way to further commitments and new actions to tackle these problems. The event will combine a high-level Ministerial session and stakeholder discussions. Draft agenda Our Baltic conference 2020


PECH meeting – Committee on Fisheries

Dates: 28 September 2020

PECH meeting Date; September 28 Channel; webstreamed Time; p.m. 17:45 to 18:45 Link for meeting documents and supporting analysis etc;


Stopping IUU fish from entering the EU

Dates: 24 September 2020

The EU CATCH system, an electronic EU-wide system of catch certificates.

About this Event

ClientEarth and the EU IUU Coalition are organising a webinar to hear first-hand from the European Commission about the characteristics and recent developments of the EU CATCH systemthe first EU-wide tool for the electronic processing of catch certificates, created to support the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Time: 15.00 - 16.45 CEST Channel; via Webex
Register via this link;  


PESH meeting – Committee on Fisheries

Dates: 22 September 2020

Upcoming broadcast PECH meeting September 22 Time; Part 1 09.00 - 10.15 Part 2 11.30 - 12.30 Link to session;


JOINT EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM working Group on Eels

Dates: 21 - 27 September 2020

Meeting led by chair; Jan-Dag Pohlmann Channel and location; Online


Baltic Breakfast on eel

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 02 September 2020

Online breakfast seminar Time 08.30–09.15 CET


UP workshop on biodiversity

Location: Online workshop

Dates: 31 August 2020

HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan: UP workshop on biodiversity, including extraction of species and spatial measures, for the consideration of proposed new actions

10.00 until 2 12.00 EEST.

The workshop is convened to evaluate proposed new actions for the updated Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP). Key background information to the workshop will be the results of the analysis of sufficiency of measures (SOM analysis) that is carried out to support the BSAP update and the synopses on new actions for the updated BSAP that have been submitted to HELCOM. At the workshop commonly agreed criteria will be applied to support the evaluation.


Update on European eel – The EU evaluation and international developments

Location: Zoom

Dates: 16 June 2020

The Fisheries Secretariat and the Good Fish Foundation are hosting a zoom webinar with international speakers. The topic is "Update on European eel - The EU evaluation and international developments".


European Parliament elections

Location: EU

Dates: 23 - 26 May 2019


MARELITT Baltic Final Conference

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 20 - 21 March 2019

The meeting will be hosted by Keep Sweden Tidy. Further information about the MARELITT Baltic project.