Past Events

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Fishing in the Deep

Dates: 15 October 2018

FishBase will be holding their annual symposium at the Natural History Museum in Stockholm. Further information below in Swedish.

FishBase Symposium 2018 Fiskar på djupet!

Den 15 oktober är det dags för FishBase Symposium 2018 på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet.

Årets tema är Fiskar på djupet!

Djuphaven är några av de minst utforskade platserna i hela världen, och nya djuplevande

fiskarter upptäcks regelbundet. Samtidigt ökar exploateringstrycket, med bland annat

djuphavstrålning, oljeutvinning och gruvdrift. Vad är det för fisk som finns nere i djupen?

Vad vet vi egentligen om fiskar och fiske i djuphaven?

FishBase Sverige har bjudit in sju framstående experter som kommer att berätta om olika aspekter

på fiskar i djuphaven.

Contact for more information.


EU Fisheries Council

Location: Luxembourg

Dates: 15 - 16 October 2018

The TACs and quotas for Baltic fish stocks in 2019 will be decided. Further information will appear here.


ICES benchmark workshop on Baltic cod

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 15 - 19 October 2018


Fisheries and society – challenges to 2025

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 11 - 12 October 2018

The conference is organised by the Nordic Marine Think Tank. Detailed agenda


European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) meetings

Location: Vigo, Spain

Dates: 09 - 10 October 2018

EFCA will be hosting their advisory board meeting and a 10th anniversary celebration, this will be followed by an administrative board meeting the day after. A seminar on monitoring, control and surveillance measures will take place.

Attached documents:

ICES Annual Science Conference

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Dates: 24 - 27 September 2018

Further information on the annual conference from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea can be found here along with the draft programme.


State of the Stocks seminar: European Commission

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 14 September 2018

The European Commission is hosting its annual "State of the Stocks" seminar and provide an update on achieving MSY for commercial stocks and analysis of biomass and fishing mortality trends, along with a focus on the economic performance of the European fleet. Further information and the meeting agenda.



Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 05 September 2018

This will be the first BALTFISH Forum under the Swedish Presidency. It is expected that discussions will focus on TACs and quotas ahead of the October Council. Agenda forthcoming.


BSAC Working Group on Ecosystem Based Management

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 04 September 2018

Eel management will be the focus of the Baltic Sea Advisory Council working group meeting.


BSAC demersal and pelagic working group

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 23 August 2018