Past Events

Upcoming events

Conference: Fisheries and the protection of biodiversity

Location: Gdynia, Poland

Dates: 19 November 2015

Best practices to mitigate the impact of fisheries activities on the marine environment.

The conference will take place at the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia, Poland on 19 November. For agenda and registration, please see pdf below.


Marine Science Conference

Location: Lund, Sweden

Dates: 18 - 20 November 2015


Fisheries Council Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 16 - 17 November 2015


ICES training: Advanced course in fisheries stock assessment modelling

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 14 - 06 November 2015

An advanced course in fisheries stock assessment modelling: ADMB, TMB, and SAM.

The objective of the course is to guide participants in developing stock assessment models, explaining the key differences between deterministic processes, stochastic models, Bayesian models, and state-space models.

Application deadline: 14 September 2015


International Conference on Land-based Aquaculture

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 11 - 12 November 2015

Focus is on land-based or Recirculating Aquaculture Systems and their possibility to address risks to the environment and at the same time enable profitable production close to the consumer. With the objective to explore the best options and best available technique for the future fish farming in BSR and EU.

The conference will take place in Stockholm, Sweden 11-12 November.


Fisheries Committee Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 09 - 10 November 2015

More information forthcoming.


ICES Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods

Location: Woods Hole, USA

Dates: 09 - 13 November 2015


BLUE Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit

Location: Monaco, Monaco

Dates: 06 - 09 November 2015


ICES Workshop on Spatial Analyses for the Baltic Sea

Location: Rome, Italy

Dates: 03 - 06 November 2015

Please see link below for more information.


ICES symposium: Targets and limits for long term fisheries management

Location: Athens, Greece

Dates: 27 - 30 October 2015

About the symposium:

The goal of the symposium is to document and synthesise the best quality scientific approaches to management advice and implementation under potentially conflicting objectives. This will be done by facilitating exchange of ideas and the development of new and innovative solutions. The symposium will bring together scientific experts from across the world and in a variety of disciplines, with stakeholders and managers to enable the communication between suppliers and recipients of scientific management advice. The MSY and precautionary frameworks as well as Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management approaches (such as Good Environmental Status under the MSFD) already implemented by ICES have solved some of the initial challenges in implementation.  However, substantial issues remain particularly where objectives are in conflict, such as is the case in mixed fisheries, areas where prey and predators are both exploited, forage fish fisheries, divergence between e.g. MEY and MSY, where ecosystem goals are mutually inconsistent and in the exact implementation of the approaches in management plans.

The symposium will take a global approach to these topics under a series of themes:
  • Identifying trade-offs and conflicting objectives, and identifying approaches to inform and resolve these.
  • The role of targets and limits in a variable world
  • Economically and socially feasible management tools
  • Practical implementation of targets and limits in management
