Past Events

Upcoming events

Conference: Sea and Society 2015

Location: Marstrand, Sweden

Dates: 21 - 22 October 2015

This years Sea and Society 2015 (Hav och Samhälle) conference will go under the theme: "Measures in society for a better marine environment".

The conference will take place at Marstrands Havshotell, Marstrand, and will be held in Swedish.

Attached documents:

ICES training: Social science methods for natural scientists

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 13 - 16 October 2015

ICES is hosting a training course on social science methods for natural scientists.

"​Research projects are increasingly interdisciplinary enterprises often with a strong emphasis on stakeholder participation and engagement. As a result natural scientists are being called upon to engage with a broader set of scientific and societal stakeholders and operate in new and challenging environments. In this changing professional context, gaining appropriate research skills is becoming a necessity.

What this means in practice is finding new ways to collaborate, communicate, and engage with stakeholders (in our case fishers), managers and policy makers to broaden the knowledge base and increase the policy relevance of our work. As a result there is a need for targeted training in social science research methods for natural scientists.

By way of professional introduction to the topic, this course will provide 'hands on' guidance on the basics required to navigate this challenging landscape. Employing a participant-led 'learning by doing' approach the facilitators will guide the participants step by step through the basics of social science methods such as interviewing, participant observation, mapping etc., in a supportive and interactive process designed to develop confidence and capacities."

Application deadline: 1 September 2015


Fisheries Committee Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 12 - 13 October 2015

More information forthcoming.


MSCG WG DIKE meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 12 October 2015

The meeting will take place in Brussels at Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Room AB/5B, Rue Froissart 36, B-1040 Brussels. Draft agenda can be found below.

Attached documents:

International Fisheries Stakeholders Forum

Location: Vigo, Spain

Dates: 08 - 09 October 2015

20th Anniversary Of The Code Of Conduct (FAO). More information forthcoming.


Opening the Box: Stock Assessment and Fisheries Advice for Stakeholders, NGOs and Policy Makers

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 08 - 09 October 2015

ICES training course on stock assessment and fisheries advice for stakeholders, NGOs and policy makers.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​While the ICES advisory process has been open to external observers since 2006, there is still a need to provide a better insight to the background and methods that are used to underpin the advice. This course is intended to fill that need.

Application deadline: 28 August 2015


Baltic Sea seminar

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 08 October 2015

This is the fifth Baltic Sea seminar organised by the Swedish Environmental Research Institute. Main focus areas of the seminar this year is on the Programmes of Measures (PoM) of the Marines Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) both at a national and international level, as well as the effect that marine micro-litter and pharmaceuticals have on the Baltic Sea. The seminar is a meeting place for businesses, organizations, municipalities and other agencies that work for sustainable growth in the Baltic region and implementing or are interested in implementing projects and new ventures. The seminar will be in Swedish.


Seminar: Salmon and their management – new perspectives under changed conditions

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 07 October 2015

Fisheries management has been on the agenda for decades, but as conditions are altered the important aspects change. For Baltic Sea salmon the drastic decrease in off shore commercial fisheries has allowed for increased catches in coastal fisheries and a fast development of salmon trolling, both by individual anglers and recreational companies. Increased spawning runs in naturally reproducing salmon may allow for intensified angling in rivers, while in regulated rivers large quantities of salmon have been found to accumulate downstream hydropower dams. How should we manage salmon under these novel conditions?

The seminar is hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry.


Drivers for Blue growth in the Baltic Sea Region Conference

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 06 October 2015

The European Commission is organising a conference on Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea, in partnership with the Maritime Development Center of Europe, the Danish Maritime Authority and the Baltic Development Forum, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 6 October 2015.

The discussions are expected to focus on the three main pillars of the Blue Growth agenda: i) fostering an innovative green Blue Economy, ii) access to finance for maritime sectors, skills and ii) qualification.

The conference will be held during Danish Maritime Days, participants will have free access to the Danish Maritime Fair, an exhibition about the newest maritime technology and services.



Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 05 - 06 October 2015

The 14th meeting of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES) will take place at Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels (Room 5/B).

Attached documents: