Past Events

Upcoming events

WG ESA meeeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 09 - 10 March 2015

The Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis will meet in Brussels march 9th-10th for its 12th meeting.

The meeting will, amongst other items, look at the state-of-play of the preparation of programme of measures and continue discussion on the future work programme for WG ESA.

Draft agenda and meeting documents on CIRCABC as they become available:


STECF Technical meeting on replacing technical measures

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Dates: 02 - 06 March 2015

The meeting will take place in Dublin at BIM Irish Sea Fisheries Board. Please see link below for more information and how to register.


DG MARE conference: Sailing towards 2020

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 02 - 03 March 2015

A high level conference on the results of Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund and the future of Community-Led Local Development in coastal communities.

For more information please see letter of invitation and agenda below.


ICES cod benchmarking

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 02 - 06 March 2015

More info forthcoming.


ICES Workshop on guidance for the review of MSFD Decision on Descriptor 4

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 24 - 25 February 2015

ICES organises a focused workshop, as a part of the process of the Review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU on criteria and methodological standards for GES,  on specific challenges that arose during the 2014 scientific review on the descriptor 4 (foodwebs). The workshops will take place in ICES HQ, Copenhagen, from 24–25 February. The workshop will also be open for researchers from EU member states that are not ICES member countries. Each country can send 1–2 participants. The workshop will be open to stakeholders, dependent on availability of space, and will be open to secretariat members of RSCs. Please see below for more information. Invitation Letter WKGMSFD-II WKGMSFD-II D3-4-6 ToRs


Public hearing: Maximum Sustainable Yield in Fisheries management

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 23 February 2015

The Fisheries Committee will host a public hearing on MSY in fisheries management. During this hearing both scientific and practical aspects of the implementation of the MSY principle in fisheries management will be discussed with various experts in the field.

Location : Brussels - Paul-Henri Spaak (PHS) 4B001

For more information please see link below.


Fisheries Committee Meeting

Dates: 23 - 24 February 2015

Please see below for draft agenda and draft report on the multiannual plan for the Baltic Sea.


ICES plaice benchmarking

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 23 - 27 February 2015

More info forthcoming.


Joint BSAC Working Group meeting: Technical measures for the Baltic

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 19 February 2015

The purpose of this working group is for BSAC members to discuss and prepare input on the development of a new technical measures framework based on the Commission's paper from 22 October 2014. Ref Ares (2014)3502723T

Please see attached documents for detailed information.


ICES Workshop on guidance for the review of MSFD Decision on Descriptor 6

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 16 - 19 February 2015

ICES organises a focused workshop, as a part of the process of the Review of Commission Decision 2010/477/EU on criteria and methodological standards for GES,  on specific challenges that arose during the 2014 scientific review on the descriptor 6 (seafloor integrity). The workshops will take place in ICES HQ, Copenhagen, from 16–19 February. The workshop will also be open for researchers from EU member states that are not ICES member countries. Each country can send 1–2 participants. The workshop will be open to stakeholders, dependent on availability of space, and will be open to secretariat members of RSCs. Please see below for more information. Invitation Letter WKGMSFD-II WKGMSFD-II D3-4-6 ToRs