Past Events

Upcoming events

ICES training: Analysing and visualization of VMS and EU logbook data

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 01 - 05 June 2015

The objective of the course is to provide instruction in the use of the VMS tools software package for the simultaneous analysis of VMS and logbook data. Emphasis will be placed on exploring the spatial distribution of fisheries, and the behaviour of fishers at sea. Application deadline: 17 April 2015
Please see link below for more information.


Ghost fishing conference

Dates: 22 May 2015

Marint Centrum in Simrishamn, Sweden are hosting a conference dedicated to ghost nets.

Please see attached pdf for more information and how to register (in Swedish).

Attached documents:

Fisheries Council Meeting

Dates: 11 - 12 May 2015


HELCOM WG meeting: State and Environment

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 11 - 15 May 2015

Second Meeting of the Group on the State of the Environment and Nature Conservation. For more information please see link below.


BSAC Executive Committee and General Assembly

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 07 May 2015

The meeting will take place in Helsinki, Finland. The Executive Committee will start at 09.00 and finish at 12.30. The General Assembly will start at 13.30 and end at 16.00.

Elections for members of the Executive Committee, the BSAC chair as well as the position of honorary chair of the General Assembly will be held. BSAC General Assembly organisations are invited to send nominations to the Secretariat (with a short CV of your nominee). Nominations are due Tuesday 7th April 2015.

For agenda and meeting information please see links below.


Symposium “Tools for assessing status of European aquatic ecosystems”

Location: Malmö, Sweden

Dates: 06 - 07 May 2015

The Scientific Symposium ”Tools for assessing status of European aquatic ecosystems” is a joint product of the research programmes DEVOTES, WATERS ( and MARS (

The symposium will bring together scientists and environmental managers to present and discuss state-of-the-art indicator development and assessment methods for ecological/environmental status of freshwater and marine ecosystems. The focus of the presentations will be related to the implementation of EU Water Framework Directive and EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

Please see link below for more information and how to register.


Fisheries Committee meeting

Dates: 06 - 07 May 2015

More info forthcoming.


Marine Strategy Coordination Group meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 04 May 2015

More info forthcoming.


EAFE Conference: New management issues within the reformed Common Fishery Policy: implementation and socio-economic impacts”

Location: Salerno, Italy

Dates: 28 - 30 April 2015

The XXIInd Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists will be held in Salerno from 28th to 30th April 2015. And is organised by NISEA, Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics Research, Salerno and DISES, Department of Economics and Statistics Sciences, University of Salerno.

The theme of the conference is "New management issues within the reformed Common Fishery Policy: implementation and socio-economic impacts". The conference is intended to provide a forum for the dissemination of recent advances in capture fisheries and aquaculture economics and management and to promote discussion amongst researchers, managers, policy makers and other stakeholders in the fisheries sector.

Last day to register is January 31. To register your participation to the EAFE2015 conference, please use the registration form to be filled in at

For more information please see link below.


MSFD WG Good Environmental Status meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 22 April 2015

The 13th meeting of the working group on Good Environmental Status (GES WG) will be held: Wednesday 22nd April 2015 – 11:00-18.00 & Thursday 23rd April 2015 – 09.00-17.00 at the Conference Centre Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels (Room 2/C).

Agenda forthcoming.