Past Events

Upcoming events

Fisheries Council Meeting

Dates: 20 - 21 April 2015



Location: Warsaw, Poland

Dates: 15 - 16 April 2015

The second meeting of HELCOM FISH group will be held 15-16 April 2015 in Warsaw in the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Agenda and invitation forthcoming.


Sustainable Fisheries Governance Seminar

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Dates: 14 April 2015

This year’s Kurt Grönfors Lecture includes speeches by Erik LindeboMike Melnychuk and Ragnar Tveterås that address the issue of sustainable seafood production from three different perspectives.

Sustainable management of fish and fisheries resources is a global challenge, which requires knowledge across natural and social science perspectives. Many of these resources have suffered the effects of open-access conditions with depleted stocks and poor profitability for a long time. Recently, catch share systems and aquaculture have offered solutions to the open-access problem, but at the same time put focus on other types of challenges for sustainable management.

DAY: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 TIME: 13:15-17:00 VENUE: Room B33, School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1, Gothenburg


Public hearing: How to improve selectivity in the context of the discard ban

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 13 April 2015

This hearing will discuss issues such as improvements in selectivity based on both technical development and other measures, with a focus on fishing gear.

Please see links below for draft agenda.


Fisheries Committee Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 30 - 31 March 2015

On 31 March, the PECH Committee will vote on the multiannual plan for multispecies of the Baltic Sea. This is the first management plan to be presented by the Commission under the new CFP. It sets management targets for cod, sprat and herring in order to achieve a better management of the stocks as they interact. For more information please see links below.


Blue growth in the Baltic: Kick-off conference maritime stakeholder forum in the Baltic Sea Region

Location: Kiel, Germany

Dates: 26 - 27 March 2015

The recent European Commission “Sustainable Blue Growth Agenda for the Baltic Sea Region” adopted on 16 May 2014 makes a strong call for a stakeholder-driven coherent, cross-Baltic approach to innovation, sustainability, skills and qualifications. As a first step of this agenda, the European Commission will launch a Maritime Stakeholder's Platform on 26-27 March 2015 in Kiel, Germany. The Platform will bring together all key maritime stakeholders from business, academia and the public sector across the Baltic Sea region to discuss smart specialisation, maritime technologies and skills and employment.

Further information on the programme and online registration are available on the following link:


Fisheries Council meeting

Dates: 16 - 17 March 2015


Conference: Ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea in a climate change perspective

Location: Umeå, Sweden

Dates: 10 - 12 March 2015

A conference summarizing the latest research findings of climate change effects on the ecology and chemistry in the Baltic Sea, pinpointing important messages to stakeholders and decision makers in countries around the Baltic. During the conference both Ecochange- and other research will be presented, and we welcome oral presentations and posters within adjacent fields.

The conference will be held in the central part of Umeå, at Umeå Folkets Hus. And at March 10, 12.30, and ends at March 12, 15.00. A poster session will be held on March 10, and a conference dinner on March 11.

For more information please see link below.


PECH Extraordinary meeting

Location: Strasbourg

Dates: 09 March 2015

The Fisheries Council will discuss the landing obligation at an extraordinary meeting taking place in Strasbourg March 9th at 19.00-19.30 Please see draft agenda below for more information.


WG ESA meeeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 09 - 10 March 2015

The Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis will meet in Brussels march 9th-10th for its 12th meeting.

The meeting will, amongst other items, look at the state-of-play of the preparation of programme of measures and continue discussion on the future work programme for WG ESA.

Draft agenda and meeting documents on CIRCABC as they become available: