Past Events

Upcoming events

Fisheries Council Meeting

Dates: 16 January 2015


MIACO meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 13 - 14 January 2015

A meeting between ICES, the Advisory Councils (ACs) and observers will take place at ICES offices in Copenhagen from 1pm Tuesday 13 to 1 pm Wednesday 14th.  


Workshop to Evaluate the TAC Calculation for Herring in IIIa and management plan for herring in the North Se

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 13 - 16 January 2015

ICES will host a Workshop to Evaluate the TAC Calculation for Herring in IIIa and management plan for herring in the North Sea (WKHerTAC). The workshop will take place at ICES in Copenhagen 13–16 January 2015.


Round table on the Multispecies Management Plan for the Baltic Sea

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 07 January 2015

The meeting will focus on technical and horizontal aspects of this first multispecies management plan, which will also provide basis for  coherent legislative framework for future mutlispecies plans in the EU

RSVP to before 5th of January 2015.

Please see attached document for more information.


BSAC Joint working group meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 07 January 2015

This meeting will deal with the Commission proposal for a multi-species management plan for the Baltic. MEPs have been invited for an Exchange of views. There are plans of a broader meeting in the afternoon, where BSAC representatives will be invited to.


Fish Dependence Day – Denmark

Location: Denmark

Dates: 29 December 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Denmark relies on imports for approximately two days per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far over consumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


ICES introductory training course on stock assessment

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 11 - 12 December 2014

The training course is designed for DG MARE officials and is also open to the members of the RACs and other stakeholders. The course includes topics such as the advisory process (including data collection) and the latest developments at ICES (on data limited stocks, mixed fisheries and multispecies fisheries).

Please note that the subjects of the two days can be followed separately, so it is possible to attend only for one day.

Please see invitation and agenda below for more information and how to register.


SAMBAH Swedish workshop

Location: Norrköping, Sweden

Dates: 09 - 10 December 2014

The SAMBAH project is an international project with participants from all EU countries around the Baltic Sea. It is co-funded by EU LIFE + and several national authorities and organizations. The host, the Kolmarden Wildlife Park is the international project coordinator, assisted by Aquabiota Water Research with the project administration.

The SAMBAH Swedish workshop is targeted towards Swedish stakeholders (maritime sector, fisheries, energy and environmental conservation managers, national authorites and NGOs).

The conference will take place at Kolmården Wildlife Park close to Norrköping in Sweden and back to back to the SAMBAH international end of project conference.


SAMBAH International Conference

Location: Norrköping, Sweden

Dates: 08 - 09 December 2014

The SAMBAH project works to estimate abundance and distribution of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea. On 8-9 December this year, SAMBAH and Kolmården Wildlife Park invite all stakeholders and managers to an international conference where we present the results of the project and discuss how these results can be used in the management of the Baltic Sea harbor porpoise. The conference will take place at Kolmården Wildlife Park close to Norrköping in Sweden. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the SAMBAH project coordinator Mats Amundin at


HELCOM Heads of Delegation meeting

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 08 - 09 December 2014

47th Meeting of the HELCOM Heads of Delegation.   More information forthcoming.
