Past Events

Upcoming events

2nd meeting of the Joint Special Group on implementation of the marine Action Plan

Dates: 18 June 2024


BSAC Joint Working Group

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark and online

Dates: 12 - 13 June 2024


Expert Group on European Eel in the Mediterranean (EGEMed)

Location: Rome, Italy and online

Dates: 04 - 05 June 2024

Expert Group on European Eel in the Mediterranean (EGEMed), 4–5 June 2024, FAO HQ, Rome, Italy (hybrid meeting). More infor will come in due time.


Marine Socio-Ecological Systems Symposium

Location: Yokohama, Japan

Dates: 03 - 07 June 2024


Marine Socio-Ecological Systems: Navigating global change in the marine environment 3-7 June 2024 Yokohama, Japan
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​MSEAS 2024 symposium will focus on the integrated assessment of multiple ocean uses across sectors, including: fisheries, renewable energy, coastal development, oil and gas, transport, and the need for conservation. Emphasis will be on the methodological and empirical challenges involved in including the human dimensions in integrated ecosystem assessments. Understanding these complex social-ecological systems is a challenging new area of research that combines multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary components. The integrated marine focus is relatively new, as previous research efforts have either been terrestrially focused or dealt primarily with single sectors. MSEAS 2024 is endorsed as an official activity of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development UNDOS.​


ICES release of advice on Baltic Sea fish stocks

Location: online

Dates: 31 May 2024

Release of advice on Baltic Sea fish stocks. Online on ICES website.


European Maritime Day

Location: Svendborg, Denmark

Dates: 30 - 31 May 2024

The European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual two-day event during which Europe’s maritime community meet to network, discuss and outline joint action on maritime affairs and sustainable blue economy. The EMD is the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’. It provides an engaging and completely interactive experience to catch up on the current state of play on a broad range of issues concerning the blue economy and the marine environment and to discuss ways of moving forward. It features a large number of inspirational speakers, thematic sessions, stakeholder workshops and pitch sessions organised by stakeholders and the European Commission. The EMD targets professionals from businesses, governments, public institutions, NGOs and academia as well as EU citizens interested in the sea. European Maritime Day 2024 will take place in Svendborg, Denmark on 30 and 31 May 2024.


World Fish Migration Day

Dates: 25 May 2024

Global awareness raising event

World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) culminates every two years in a global celebration to create awareness about the importance of migratory fish and free-flowing rivers. This international day of events is coordinated by the World Fish Migration Foundation. On World Fish Migration Day, organizations from around the world coordinate their own event around the common theme of: CONNECTING FISH, RIVERS AND PEOPLE.

Our vision is free flowing rivers full of fish! But how do these rivers look like. Where can you find them? Who depends on these fish and why is it important to have rivers full of fish? This is why this sixth WFMD edition (May 25, 2024) we selected the following theme: FREE FLOW. So on the next WFMD we are not only talking about fish in free-flowing rivers, but also about small water insects, fish eating birds, otters, river dolphins, bears and humans. Let's join up for another amazing event to celebrate our successes and share our challenges.


BSAC Executive Committee

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 16 May 2024


Final day of feedback: Consultation on better protection of sharks through sustainable fishing and trade

Location: Online

Dates: 16 May 2024

Feedback period: 22 February to 16 May 2024. In response to the European citizens’ initiative ‘Stop finning – Stop the trade’, the Commission is considering measures to better protect sharks. This includes the possibility for sharks to only be sold – whether for consumption within the EU or for international trade – with their fins attached. Any potential Commission initiatives will take into consideration the results of an assessment of the environmental, social and economic impact of such measures.


BSAC General Assembly

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 15 May 2024
