Past Events

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Fish Dependence Day – Greece

Location: Greece

Dates: 08 December 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Greece relies on imports just under a month per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far over consumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


Danish Agri Fish dialouge meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 04 December 2014

The Danish Agri Fish Agency invites to a meeting regarding Natura 2000 areas in the Kattegat and the western Baltic. The meeting will be held in Danish.

Attached documents:

Marine and water conference

Location: Simrishamn, Sweden

Dates: 04 December 2014

Marint Centrum and the InnoVatten project are hosting a marine and water conference focusing on solutions and opportunities for innovation in areas that have a large impact on the sea. The conference will highlight the importance of a healthy sea in combination with sustainable development and the circular economy.

The conference will be held in Swedish and is free of charge.

For more information and to sign up please click here.


PECH Committee meeting

Dates: 03 - 04 December 2014

Please see link below for agenda.


DG ENVI Joint workshop for policy areas Nature, WFD and MSFD

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 02 - 03 December 2014

Agenda forthcoming. Tentative dates.


ICES Workshop on mapping of Norht Sea herring

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 02 - 05 December 2014

ICES invites to a stakeholder workshop on collbaorative mapping of North Sea herring spawning grounds. To register please email claire(at) and dorothy(at) Please see below for draft agenda.

Attached documents:

Fish Dependence Day – Sweden

Location: Sweden

Dates: 29 November 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Sweden relies on imports for approximately one month per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far overconsumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


Joint BALTFISH-BSAC meeting “Preparation for the landing obligation”

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Dates: 26 November 2014

Following the request of the Baltic Sea Advisory Council (BSAC) BALTFISH Presidency is organizing a joint meeting to discuss the landing obligation practicalities. Please see pdf below for more information and agenda.

Attached documents:

Funding cooperation – Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference

Location: Warsaw, Poland

Dates: 26 - 27 November 2014

Launching transnational cooperation for 2014-2020 is on the agenda this autumn.

The organizers invite to look at the achievements and explore the future funding opportunities during the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme Conference. On the first day there will look back at successful examples of cooperation and discussions on expectations towards the future. The thematic fields and features of the new Programme also will be presented. During the second day there will be more detailed talks about the themes for cooperation and explanation on how and when to apply as well as where to get help.

For more information about the conference, how to register and draft agenda, please see links below.


Joint ICES-MYFISH Workshop to consider the basis for Fmsy ranges for all stocks

Dates: 17 - 21 November 2014

ICES will host a workshop to consider the basis for Fmsy ranges for all stocks. The meeting will take place at DTU Aqua, Copenhagen, Denmark. See link below for more information.
