State-of-the-art research and management The conference will cover state-of-the-art research and management regarding a legal framework for ecosystembased management of the Baltic Sea.

Topics and issues covered

  • International, EU and national law is critical for the status of the Baltic Sea environment.
  • Can ecological wisdom be transformed into legal frameworks? If so, how?
  • Do the Baltic Sea Convention (with HELCOM) and the EU Maritime Strategies Directive provide adequate bases for effective ecosystem-based management?
  • Do the Baltic Sea states implement ecosystem-based management approaches to that end?
  • Can new legal approaches, including emission trading schemes, be applied to improve the environmental status of the Baltic Sea?

Date: 07 October 2014, 9.00 AM 07 October 2014, 5.00 PM  Venue: Juristernas Hus 'Lawyers House', Frescativägen 16, Stockholm University

Please register to the conference before 23 September to: erica.grahn(at), 08-16 21 47. Please indicate if you have any food allergies etc.