Past Events

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Fish Dependence Day – Bulgaria

Location: Bulgaria

Dates: 16 June 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Bulgaria relies on imports for approximately seven months per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far over consumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


2nd International Maritime Congress

Location: Szczecin, Poland

Dates: 12 - 14 June 2014

The 2nd International Maritime Congress will take place in Szczecin, Poland, June 12th-14th. Four themes will be discussed: i) Polish maritime economy – the challenges and development chances, ii) Maritime economy – education, research and development, iii) Taking advantage of sea resources and iv) Ecology and safety at sea. The BALTFISH Presidence Mr. Normunds Riekstins has been invited to give a presentation about BALTFISH and the challenges facing Baltic Sea fishermen. For more information please see link below.


Baltic Sea regional WS on best practice Aquaculture

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 12 - 13 June 2014

This is a "best practice workshop" part of the joint project between DG ENVI and DG Mare on developing guidelines for sustainable aquaculture in the EU. The project focus is to show all legal aspects and make sure development on new AqC is in line with all environmental legislation and also to find the good or even best practices.

The project welcome contact from any and all regarding reports/facts they should be aware of, so do send them all relevant info you have. Project leader is the UK organization CEFAS and they are running this SUSAQ project. You can find relevant information on the project website, see link below.

Agenda forthcoming.


MSFD: Technical group meeting on marine litter

Location: Riga, Latvia

Dates: 11 - 13 June 2014

Information and agenda forthcoming.


BSAC Joint Working Group Meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 11 - 12 June 2014

For invitation and agenda please see below. You can find more information on the BSAC webpage or link below.


Fish Dependence Day – Spain

Location: Spain

Dates: 11 June 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Despite having by far the largest fleet in the EU, Spain relies on imports for over seven months per year to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far over consumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


STECF Fishing Effort and Evaluation of fishing effort regimes in European waters Part 1

Location: Ispra, Italy

Dates: 09 - 13 June 2014

More info forthcoming. 


Informal meeting of the European Water & Marine Directors

Location: Heraklion, Crete

Dates: 04 - 06 June 2014

Α Regular meeting of the Water & Marine Directors from all Member States, EU candidate countries, EFTA Countries, as well as representatives of the European Commission and the European Environment Agency, will take place within the framework of the Greek Presidency.

During the meeting, the latest developments and future plans on European and International water and marine management issues will be discussed with a particular focus on the Water and Marine Strategy Framework Directives (MSFD).

Agenda forthcoming.


Baltic Development Forum Summit

Location: Turku, Finland

Dates: 03 - 04 June 2014

Please see link below for agenda and information.  


Blue growth inovation seminare

Location: Simrishamn, Sweden

Dates: 03 June 2014

Marint Centrum in Simrishamn will host a blue growth innovation seminar during the Skåne Innovation Week.
