Past Events

Upcoming events

“Ghosts in the Baltic Sea” film screening

Location: Simrishamn, Sweden

Dates: 15 April 2014

Joakim Odelberg, diver and underwater filmmaker together with KIMO Baltic Sea, Europe Direct Southeast Skåne and Ystad Municipality invites the public to the premiere of the second part of his movie "Ghosts of the Baltic Sea".

A discussion will follow after the screening touching on the ongoing development of methods of ghost nets in Swedish waters.

For registration please click here. For more information please contact Carina Månsson at




Location: Luxembourg

Dates: 14 - 15 April 2014

Provisional agenda 1. First amendment to the Proposal for a Council Regulation fixing for 2014 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in EU waters  and, for EU vessels, in certain non-EU waters (Atlantic and orth Sea) = Adoption 2. Proposal for a Council Regulation on establishing the fishing opportunities for anchovy in the Bay of Biscay for the 2013/14 fishing season Interinstitutional file: 2013/0236 (NLE) = Adoption 3. Report from the Task Force on Long Term Multi-Annual Management Plans = Exchange of views 4.Any other business   


Fish Dependence Day – Italy

Location: Italy

Dates: 13 April 2014

Fish Dependence is the day on which imports have to be relied upon because national catches would have run out if only home-caught fish had been eaten since 1 January.

Italy relies on imports for over eight months per year, to satisfy domestic demand for fish products.

Fish dependence is a powerful concept that illustrates how far over consumption outstrips domestic resources. One way to illustrate this trend is to represent a country’s degree of self-sufficiency as a calendar day – the day in the year when a country has consumed its own supply and must begin sourcing its products from elsewhere, hence the term ‘fish dependence day’. For the EU this date is currently 11th July, after which the EU depends on foreign resources. Fish dependence day is calculated by New Economics Foundation (NEF).


Sustainable Aquaculture best practice workshop: North East Atlantic Region

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Dates: 10 - 11 April 2014

Cefas organised workshop on the development of guidance for the sustainable development of European aquaculture in relation to the WFD and the MSFD for the North East Altantic Region. The workshop will take place in Dublin, Ireland.


PECH Committee Meeting

Dates: 10 April 2014

Please see below for draft agenda.


Pelagic RAC on discards

Location: The Hague, Netherlands

Dates: 10 April 2014

The meeting will take place at Parkhotel, the Hague, Netherlands. More info forthcoming.


Workshop on a common framework for biodiversity proofing of the EU budget

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 09 April 2014

The workshop comes at an important stage in the implementation of the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) with important decisions particularly by fund management authorities lying ahead with significant implications for biodiversity. The workshop aims to obtain feedback from key officials and stakeholders involved in the implementation of funding instruments at regional, national and European levels on proposals for:

 - a common framework for biodiversity proofing
 - fund-specific guidance on biodiversity proofing
The focus will be on ensuring the framework and guidance is practical and useful for the relevant authorities. The workshop will cover the funds listed above3, and consist of a mixture of plenary and break out group sessions, as outlined in the agenda.
  The workshop will take place at Guimard Building, Rue Guimard 10, 1040 – Bruxelles. Fore more information on the background as well as agenda see below.


Swedish Maritime Day

Location: Gothenburg, Sweden

Dates: 08 April 2014

Swedish Maritime Day is a day for those interested in an overview of marine and maritime industries with significant impact on the future of Sweden. It is a common meeting point for maritime activities in business, research and education, associations, and public administration.

Please see documents below for information and program for the day.


EP Hearing on implementation of the discard ban

Dates: 07 April 2014

More info forthcoming.


PECH Committee Meeting

Dates: 07 April 2014

Please see below for draft agenda.
