Past Events

Upcoming events

35th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Dates: 05 - 06 March 2014

35th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission and 40th Anniversary of the Helsinki Convention. More info forthcoming.


Information Needs for Sustainable Fisheries Conference

Location: Rome, Italy

Dates: 03 - 07 March 2014

More info forthcoming.


Hope Conference

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 03 - 04 March 2014

Over five years ago, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) was adopted with the aim of protecting and managing our seas and oceans in a sustainable way. The Directive sets an ambitious objective: to achieve and maintain the good environmental status of European seas and oceans by 2020.

The Healthy Oceans – Productive Ecosystems (HOPE) Conference, on 3-4 March 2014 in Brussels, will bring together all those working with or in relation to the European marine environment and will provide them with the opportunity to discuss progress made over the past 5 years, the problems that still remain and the solutions for improved coherence and better marine governance.

For more info please see link below.


European Control Agency Advisory Board meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 28 February 2014

On the agenda are:

  • Advisory Councils: state of play
  • EFCA latest developments
  • Exchange of views on implementation of the 2013 work programme
  • Exchange of views on activities under the next multi-annual work programme 2015-2019 and for 2015
  • Rotation of the Advisory Board representative on the EFCA Administrative Board
  • Cooperation with the ACs
Location: DG MARE premises (Rue Joseph II,99, Brussels)   More info forthcoming.


GAP2 meeting on western Baltic Herring

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 27 February 2014

Copenhagen – Ingeniørens Hus IDA More info forthcoming.


BS RAC Executive Committe Meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 26 February 2014

The meeting will take place at the Hotel Park lnn, Engve1j 71, 2300 Copenhagen. Please see below for more info.

Attached documents:

GAP2 European Dialogue Meeting

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 26 February 2014

"Putting the Science in Regionalization: Participatory approaches in the new regionalized CFP”

The dialogue meeting is expected to bring together participants from Member States, RACs, research organizations (ICES, STECF, EFARO, and Research Institutes) and European Institutions.

The workshop aims to deliver concrete recommendations on the operational and institutional arrangements for a collaborative research agenda in the regionalized CFP.


BSRAC Joint Working Group Meeting

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Dates: 25 February 2014

Joint working group meeting for the pelagic and demersal working groups. The meeting will take place at Park Inn Hotel Engvej 171, 2300 Copenhagen S

Draft Agenda

1. Welcome by the two chairmen Michael Andersen and Mart Undrest

2. Formalities for the start of the meeting: Apologies and adoption of the agenda

3. Landing obligation: draft paper from BALTFISH on the discard ban. The BSRAC will  have the opportunity to discuss and formulate comments to the BALTFISH draft on the implementation of a landing obligation in the Baltic. This paper is expected from BALTFISH in February.

4. COM proposal 2013/0436 (COD) (the so-called Omnibus Regulation) as regards the landing obligation. Discussion by the Working Group and formulation of comments and input.

5. Update from BSRAC members Jacob Hagberg (Baltic 2020) and Staffan Larsson (STPO): “Demonstration project to develop the Baltic cod fisheries towards a length optimized fishery. (The first part of the project will look at why the Baltic cod is skinny and how the cod population is likely to react to a changed selectivity. The second phase of the project will develop a strategy on how the cod stock should be harvested to increase average cod size and STPO will introduce the first steps of this strategy).

6. AOB

Attached documents:

NSRAC EXec. Committee Meeting

Location: London, United Kingdom

Dates: 25 February 2014

More info forthcoming.


World Ocean Summit 2014

Location: San Francisco, United States

Dates: 24 - 26 February 2014

The summit is the second of its kind, organised by the Economist magazine.
