Past Events

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Deep-Ocean Industrialization and Responsible Stewardship lecture

Location: London, United Kingdom

Dates: 14 November 2013

The IMarEST Stanley Gray Lecture series was launched in 2002 with the next lecture  taking place on Thursday 14 November at Trinity House. The lectures are given by key figures from the fields of marine engineering, science and technology and this year is no exception.

Professor Cindy Lee Van Dover, Harvey Smith Professor of Biological Oceanography, Director, Duke University Marine Laboratory and Chair, Division of Marine Science & Conservation, Duke University, Beaufort, NC, USA will be giving the lecture entitled “Deep-Ocean Industrialization and Responsible Stewardship: Extraction of Ore from Deep-Sea Hot Springs”.

The lecture is free of charge to attend but places are limited. To register your place, email or phone +44 (0)20 7382 2702.  Or see link below for more information.


Fishing for Space

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Dates: 14 November 2013

The title of the event is "sketching maritime and spatial planning and fisheries management in the Baltic Sea Region".


EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Annual Forum

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania

Dates: 11 - 12 November 2013

The fourth annual forum will be jointly hosted by the Commission and the Lithuanian Presidency, and is entitled "Baltic Sea, Baltic Growth, Baltic Environment". Under the EU Strategy several fisheries related flagship projects have been initiated, such as the BALTFISH forum and a plan of action for salmon recovery and an end to discards. The process began during the Swedish EU Presidency in 2009.


Slow Fish Fair

Location: Bremen, Germany

Dates: 08 - 10 November 2013


Regional Workshop on the valuation of marine and coastal ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 07 - 08 November 2013


ICES working group on maritime systems (WGMARs)

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 04 - 08 November 2013

On 4 November, stakeholder integration will be discussed. RACs have been invited to this forum for improved coordination and cooperation with ICES. The meeting will take place at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Attached documents:

Nordic Marine Science Conference 2013

Location: Oslo, Norway

Dates: 28 - 30 October 2013

This year's marine science conference will be jointly organized by Norske havforskeres forening and the Swedish Society for Marine Sciences.
 The conference theme is "MARINE ECOSYSTEMS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT". Ten thematic sessions will address various aspects, with selected key note speakers for all sessions. An open session is also included. The conference organisers invite you to submit abstracts for the thematic or open sessions.
  Conference Topics: - Climate driven changes in ecosystems and biodiversity - Climate driven changes in the physical environment - Science for ocean management - Genetic and molecular methods - Coastal systems and multiple stressors - Future operational systems and products - Aquaculture, food production and fish deceases - Acidification of the oceans - Society and science - The Oslo fjord - ecosystems under pressure   Read more about the conference and register trough


Meeting on the implementation of the new CFP

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 25 October 2013

DG Mare will organise a meeting on the implementation of certain aspects of the new CFP. Attendees will be from national administrations, MEPs and the RACs.


RACs coordination meeting with the Commission

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Dates: 24 October 2013

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the practical issues of the changes for the RACs under the new CFP.


Baltic Marine Litter Conference

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Dates: 22 - 23 October 2013

A two day conference about marine litter in the Baltic Sea hosted by Keep Sweden Tidy About the conference: Marine litter has not been considered a major problem in the Baltic Sea, still there has been a huge knowledge gap about the amounts and sources of marine litter. During the Baltic Marine Litter project, beach litter has been monitored on the shores of the Baltic Sea, using a standardised method developed by UNEP/Regional Seas. Responsible authorities of implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive will present national challenges concerning marine litter. Representatives from NGOs, the tourism sector, shipping sector and waste management experts will also be there to discuss actions and good examples to reduce litter entering the environment.   
